What if I don’t have enough stock to fulfill a sales order or work order in inFlow On-Premise?

Please note: we will sunset inFlow On-Premise on July 31, 2024. After sunset we will stop selling or activating new licenses for inFlow On-Premise and stop providing support (including online KB articles).

If you do not have enough stock to fulfill your order, inFlow On-Premise will notify you by placing a red exclamation mark beside each item you don’t have enough to fulfill. From this screen, you can either create a purchase order, or split the order by what’s available/ put the other items on back order.

To create a purchase order from a sales order:

  1. Right click the exclamation mark on your sales order and choose Create Purchase Order. You only need to do this on one mark; inFlow will generate the purchase orders by vendor.
  2. Select the correct vendor.
  3. Click Save.


To create a purchase order from a work order:

  1. Right click the exclamation mark on your work order and choose Create Purchase Order. You only need to do this on one mark; inFlow will generate the purchase orders by vendor.
  2. Select the correct vendor.
  3. Click Save.

When the items come in:

  1. Go to the purchase order and click Receive and Pay to complete it.
  2. Return to the sales order or work order to fulfill the remaining items.

What do the symbols mean?

If you see a red exclamation mark it means you do not have enough stock in the specified location to fulfill this current order.

If you see a yellow exclamation mark it means that you do have enough stock for this order only, but not enough for any other open orders for this item. It’s a good idea to reorder if you see this icon.

If you see a clock icon on the order screen that means that you’ve already ordered this item from your vendor and you’re just waiting to receive/complete the order so you’ll have enough stock. You should not need to re-order again if you see this icon (otherwise you’ll end up with double the amount).

inFlow Inventory
Archon Systems
260 Carlaw Ave #397
Toronto, ON, M4M 3L1
June 7, 2018

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