Release notes

  • We will fully sunset inFlow On-Premise on July 31, 2024. This means we will no longer provide support, KB articles, or provide downloads for this product. For more details, please see our On-Premise sunset blog post.

  • November 27, 2018 - Version 3.6.1 released!

    inFlow 3.6.1 is now publicly available!

    Bug fixes

    • You should no longer see a red X on touchscreen computers after inputting items on an order.

  • June 5, 2018 - Version 3.6 released!

    inFlow 3.6 is now publicly available!

    Important notes

    • The inFlow Maintenance Plan is now the Support Plan to make it clearer about what it provides

    New features from 3.6

    • Sales orders can now record a Pick Date for individual items on the order
    • You can now click to expand images while in the PRODUCT tab


    • Added Quantity On Hand, Quantity Picked, Quantity in Transit to Inventory Summary report
    • Home Currency and Costing Method can no longer be scrolled with the mouse scroll wheel, which should reduce the chance of accidentally recalculating your costing method
    • Added TLS 1.2 support to HTTP web requests
    • Filters in Vendor Payment Details are now consistent with other parts of inFlow On-Premise


    • Changed the integration name from Magento to Magento v1

    Bug fixes

    • Fixed an issue where Count Sheets and Stock Adjustments for 0 total quantity change could lead to incorrect costs
    • Fixed an issue where the Product Info screen was blank for certain users (Fillweight issue)
    • Fixed a restore error: Size mismatch between central header (XXXX) and local header (XXXX)
    • Fixed reports timing out (error loading report) randomly
    • Fixed an issue where the Pay button on Purchase Orders didn’t work if had just entered information into Remarks beforehand
    • Fixed an issue where the Vendor column in Reorder Stock was not sorting correctly
    • Fixed an issue where exporting various settings tables (eg. Taxing Schemes, Pricing Schemes) would export Default column icons as System.Drawing.Bitmap
    • Fixed an issue where the Copy button to create PO would use the wrong UoM
    • Fixed an issue where components in a Work Order are not listed in the order they appear in the Bill of Materials
    • Fixed the Product Price List report to show the sales UoM
    • Report filters for removed custom fields can still contain values and affect report output
    • Fixed an issue where the Dashboard could shows Cost of Goods Sold, even if cost info was restricted for that user
    • Fixed an issue where tax rates could be hidden on an order if a taxing scheme had 0% tax (both primary and secondary) but with special tax rates on

  • July 25, 2017 - Version 3.5.2 released!

    inFlow 3.5.2 is now publicly available!

    Important notes

    • The name of the inFlow application has been changed from “inFlow Inventory” to “inFlow On-Premise” (to avoid confusion with our cloud-based application named “inFlow Cloud”)

    New features and Improvements from 3.5.1

    • A shortcut button for Sales Quote creation is now available in the Product screen toolbar
    • Users are now able to change the app server port during installation of inFlow (shared ports sometimes caused install errors)
    • Style updates to the inFlow installer, loading screen, setup, login, and About inFlow page

    Bug fixes

    • Fixed an issue where wrong customer balances resulted from product return on tax-inclusive sales orders
    • Fixed an issue with custom documents where Tax Name appeared blank when it wasn’t explicitly set in the template
    • Fixed an order fulfillment issue with FIFO/LIFO costing
    • Fixed a user access rights issue where team members without cost view access could still view costs on the Product Pricing screen

  • January 23, 2017 - Version 3.5.1 released!

    inFlow 3.5.1 is now publicly available!

    Bug fixes

    • Fixed DPI issue with high resolution monitors
    • Made the Stock Adjustment date read only

  • January 4, 2017 - Version 3.5.0 released!

    inFlow 3.5.0 is now publicly available!

    New features and Improvements from 3.4.1

    • Updated design of the application for a more modern feel and better usability
    • Count sheets and the Count Sheet Report are now available in all editions of inFlow
    • Multi-user mode now shows if a user is connected locally or remotely

    Bug fixes

    • Fixed an issue concerning work orders, which will now use inventory available instead of inventory on hand for subassemblies
    • Fixed an issue where the autobackup location is reset to default if other user settings are changed
    • Fixed an issue of being able to remove all administrators from inFlow - application must have at least 1 administrator at all times
    • Fixed an issue where free users were able to fulfill orders in multi-user mode
    • Fixed a start-up issue with LocalDB and SQL Server
    • Fixed an issue with entering dashes in document numbers
    • Updated error messages to be more user-friendly
    • ...and many other minor bug fixes!

  • April 12, 2016 - Version 3.4.1 released!

    inFlow 3.4.1 is now publicly available! inFlow 3.4.1 lets you set tax inclusive pricing, fixed markup, and much more!

    Important Notes

    New features and Improvements from 3.3.1

    • Fixed markup pricing is now supported, and can be set from the Product screen
    • Tax inclusive pricing is now supported for both sales and purchasing
    • You can now print or email multiple types of documents together
    • Improved the default subject line and message for emails
    • Updated translations for all version 3.4.1 features

    Bug fixes

    • Fixed an issue with adding new prices to existing products when importing product details
    • Fixed an issue with caching products in sales orders
    • Fixed an issue with printing when the paper size was too small
    • Fixed the font in emails
    • Fixed an issue with integrations if the API key started with a capital letter
    • Fixed an issue with email/print documents triggering an action to change status of an order when previewed
    • Fixed an issue with an invalid error message for a sales order involving custom documents
    • Fixed an issue with the UI when the print preview window is expanded
    • Fixed an issue with sales orders not being triggered to be invoiced
    • Fixed an issue with read only mode for product details
    • Fixed an issue with printing when different document type are selected
    • Fixed an issue with custom documents triggering an order to be invoiced
    • Fixed an issue with loading empty work orders
    • Fixed an issue with autobackup not backing up at the correct time default time
    • Fixed an issue with tax labels being incorrect
    • Fixed an issue in purchase orders where the before tax total was showing incorrectly for tax inclusive orders
    • Fixed an issue with services showing up on the receive tab for purchase orders
    • Updated some of the user interface
    • ...and many other minor bug fixes!

  • February 16, 2016 - Beta Version 3.4.0 released!

    inFlow 3.4 beta lets you set tax inclusive pricing, fixed markup, and much more!

    Important Notes


    • Fixed markup pricing is now supported, and can be set from the Product screen
    • Tax inclusive pricing is now supported for both sales and purchasing
    • You can now print or email multiple types of documents together
    • Cost/price inputs on the product screen have been expanded to accommodate larger values
    • Default payment method for vendors is now available
    • Users can now import tax inclusive orders from Shopify
    • Improved headers in Vendor Product List report
    • Fulfill button is now disabled on the order page if the order has no products
    • ...and many other improvements!

    Bug fixes

    • Fixed an issue with exporting bill of materials to use the specified unit of measure (UoM) instead of the standard UoM
    • Fixed an issue with unit of measure conversion in the Vendor Product List report
    • Fixed an issue with the product preview tooltip to show the correct price when using non-default currency
    • Fixed an issue where the product categories page would crash on rare occasions
    • Fixed several issues with scrolling in order tables
    • Fixed an issue with tiny print previews of custom documents
    • Fixed an issue with the stock warning icon showing on finished items in work orders
    • Fixed an issue with database files becoming too big
    • Fixed an issue with backups created during updates
    • Fixed an issue with autofill returns on sales and purchase orders to calculate the correct quantity to return
    • Fixed an issue on the Connection Settings screen to display computer name and IP when connecting to a server by IP address
    • User can now restore a database with a newer version of SQL Server if it is a minor version update
    • Fixed an issue with unchecking the anonymous usage stats option on the About inFlow screen
    • Fixed an issue with the integration screen reloading after setting a problem to be ignored/resolved
    • Fixed an issue with importing non-taxed orders from Shopify
    • Fixed several issues with translations
    • Fixed installer tutorial video to stop playing in the background once install is complete
    • ...and many more bug fixes!

  • December 17, 2015 - Version 3.3.1 released!

    inFlow 3.3 is now publicly available! inFlow now integrates with eCommerce shopping carts to streamline your business.


    • Improved user interface for new user onboarding screens
    • Added an option to import with adjustment (instead of throwing error) for cases where Magento or Shopify’s total did not match inFlow’s calculations
    • Updated translations for all version 3.3 features
    • Improved field alignment on Product record’s main tab
    • Improved auto backup directory setup, so that directory change takes effect as soon as it’s set (not just once form is saved and closed)
    • Minor improvements to various integration screens
    • Minor improvements to email settings screens
    • Improved error message for not being able to auto backup to remote directory (due to edit permissions)
    • Changed the inFlow Utilities program icon (to distinguish from the inFlow program)

    Bug fixes

    • Fixed a bug with Count Sheet Report including cancelled count sheets
    • Fixed a problem with editing batch payments with switching currency not refreshing amounts properly
    • Fixed issues with focus position and tabbing on Email settings screen
    • Fixed an issue with Retry count in integration options not taking effect
    • Fixed a problem with Magento orders with pending payment getting imported with a payment line of $0
    • Fixed an issue with Magento and Shopify orders Return Date (in Return tab) getting set to import date instead of order date
    • Fixed an issue with Shopify orders not importing due to address id being too long
    • Fixed an issue with inFlow not launching due to blank HostName registry key
    • Fixed an issue with not being able to print directly using some custom documents, with Word 2016
    • Fixed a problem with custom document screenshots not showing up properly in print preview screen
    • Fixed a bug with orders in foreign currency showing non-vendor/customer costs in home currency
    • Fixed an issue with offline activation not granting license when user not logged in prior to losing internet connectivity
    • Fixed the wrongly used Chilean Peso currency code
    • Fixed a problem where some menu options did not appear translated
    • Fixed translated string alignments on the main Homepage screen
    • Fixed issue with server/client inability to connect in Public networks when Windows firewall is on
    • ...and many other minor bug fixes!

  • November 4, 2015 - Beta Version 3.3.0 released!

    Version 3.3.0 of inFlow now integrates with eCommerce shopping carts to streamline your business.

    Shopping cart integrations

    • Automatically import sales orders from Magento and Shopify into inFlow (No more csv imports!)

    Other Improvements

    • Batch payments are more flexible! It’s possible to select which orders to apply batch payments on, and to edit and cancel batch payments
    • Simplified workaround for changing existing product type
    • It’s possible to install inFlow with SQL Server 2014
    • Backups are smaller! (inFlow zips its backups automatically, making the file type .ifz instead of .ifi)
    • Choose where to save backups: Auto backup directory can be changed
    • Ability to schedule autobackups on specific days and at a set time, as well as to better manage accumulation of backups
    • Added an indicator showing when backup is in progress
    • Email settings are at the user level (can set unique email per user), as opposed to company-wide email as before
    • Improved pre-filled email subjects when sending out different document types
    • Expanded support for additional types of email accounts
    • Default vendor discount is available
    • Back by popular demand! “Standard” cost is once again called “Manual” cost.
    • New user access right for being able to change sales price in sales orders
    • Sales orders: simplified copying of billing address into shipping address
    • Importing/exporting custom fields uses custom field names
    • Print Settings are accessible directly from print dialog
    • Group By vendor option available in Purchase Order Details report
    • Improved the experience of getting started with inFlow for new users
    • When there is no secondary tax set up, we no longer show the secondary tax column in Taxing Scheme dropdown
    • Added an option for vendor email merge field for PO custom document
    • Work Order picking combines lines of the same products whenever possible
    • Sales Representative Report ‘Sales Rep’ filter has a dropdown for simplified selection
    • Product record Cost and Price section shows more pricing schemes without scrollbar (4 when special tax rates are off, 3 otherwise)
    • Stock Adjustment: naming and ordering of columns “New Quantity” and “Old Quantity” is consistent across the Stock Adjustment screen and printed document.
    • Payment “Memo” and “Remarks” referred to the same thing (in different screens), now consistently named “Remarks”.
    • Added “please don’t show this again” option in prompt regarding inFlow not supporting monitor settings
    • New currencies supported: Kyrgyzstani Som, Belize Dollar, Afghan Afghani
    • Cancelled/deactivated records no longer exported by default; to export all records (including cancelled/deactivated), export from appropriate listing view
    • When saving Locations dialog with new empty row, it gets ignored instead of showing error
    • Improved error messages when database restore fails due to version mismatch
    • Various improvements to inFlow installer
    • Added and updated various explanatory tooltips for ease of use
    • …and many other minor improvements!

    Bug fixes

    • Fixed an issue with product pricing feature using wrong cost for products with different UoMs set up
    • Fixed an issue with product names ending with newline or tab character getting imported into inFlow and that last character getting ignored
    • Fixed an issue in product listing view with prices always shown in home currency
    • Fixed an issue with BOM being retained when service product is created by copying stocked product
    • Fixed an issue with item dropdowns intermittently not working reliably
    • Fixed an issue with tables not sorting by locations correctly
    • Fixed an issue with order Remarks being erased after changing Ship To address
    • Fixed an issue with order Remarks being erased if being entered just before clicking Paid
    • Fixed an issue in orders with product ordering in main tab not being preserved across all tabs
    • Fixed an issue with price of product not being shown on order when the product gets created and Sell is pressed before saving product
    • Fixed an issue in fulfilled orders where adding new items brought back stock level warnings
    • Fixed an issue in orders with the error message for exchange rate of 0 showing up in the wrong spot
    • Fixed an issue with exported orders not indicating which are cancelled
    • Fixed an issue with POs with only returns defaulting to print the wrong document
    • Fixed an issue with PO return saving with blank PO table
    • Fixed an issue with dropship PO not creating multiple POs when more than one vendor is involved
    • Fixed an issue with shipping not forced to be turned on when importing POs with freight
    • Fixed an issue with PO custom document not recognizing return values
    • Fixed an issue in work orders with incorrect numbering of components
    • Fixed an issue in work orders with not being able to scroll in Components Structure in read-only mode
    • Fixed an issue with columns getting cut off in Product Price List report
    • Fixed an issue with “Current Anticipated Qty” column missing in Stock Reordering report
    • Fixed an issue with manual backup failing for large databases over 2 GB
    • Fixed an error with Uganda Shilling currency symbol
    • Fixed an issue with long dates often getting cut off on Homepage screen
    • Fixed some issues with email setup/settings screens
    • Fixed a problem with customers in Turkey not being able to use inFlow
    • Fixed an issue with LocalDB 2014 where uninstalling client-only installation failed
    • Fixed some issues with inFlow Utilities
    • ...and many other minor bug fixes!

  • August 25, 2015 - Version 3.2.2 released!

    Version 3.2.2 is a patch to resolve deployment issues a small number of customers were running into. There are no other functional differences for customers already successfully running inFlow version 3.2.1.


    • Added SQL Server 2014 support to the installer

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed a number of issues when installing inFlow on domain networks or domain controllers
    • Fixed some bugs related to the computer's account or password policy which could cause inFlow to stop working

  • June 24, 2015 - Version 3.2.1 released!

    OK folks, version 3.2 is ready! We've made various tweaks to the beta version to make everything run a little more smoothly. Improvements from 3.2.0 include:


    • When your licenses are in use by other computers, inFlow will now show the names of those computers using the licenses
    • When using a barcode scanner, scanning an unknown item will no longer add a new product, but will reject it, making a sound
    • Renamed "Sales Order Payment" report to "Customer Payment by Order" to make the report easier to find
    • Updated the custom document template for envelopes to have wider margins, so that it will work on more printers
    • Performance improvement on loading the Order History tab of the Product

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed a bug where costs could be calculated incorrectly after completing a work order when the finished products are in negative inventory
    • Fixed a bug where the dashboard excluded non-customer costs from profit calculations
    • Fixed a problem where inFlow 3.2.0 might stop working depending on the computer's password policies
    • Fixed a problem where picked and in-transit inventory would not be considered for reordering purposes
    • Fixed a problem where inFlow would send too many requests to our server in some cases
    • Fixed a problem installing inFlow on a computer acting as a domain controller
    • Fixed a bug where inFlow was not prioritizing exact-match barcode scans appropriately
    • Fixed a bug where the dashboard Top 5 list would reset its criteria upon selecting the dropdown
    • Fixed a bug where uncommitted changes might be lost upon inserting a row into a table
    • Fixed a bug where the Purchase Return document wasn't correctly offered as a choice in some cases
    • Fixed a bug where customer/vendor details might not be filled-in when clicking the Buy / Sell buttons in some cases
    • Fixed a bug where you couldn't sort by the Difference column in the Stock Adjustment screen
    • Fixed a bug in inFlow Utilities where SQL queries starting with a comment wouldn't run properly
    • Fixed some cosmetic issues with handling translations where the text was too long
    • Fixed a bug where inFlow would fail to save the vendor product code from a Purchase Order to a Product in some cases
    • Fixed a bug where double-clicking an order from the Customer or Vendor Payment History tab would no longer bring up the order

  • April 22, 2015 - Beta Version 3.2.0 released!

    inFlow version 3.2.0 beta adds handy new shortcuts, new reports, and many improvements and fixes under the hood. Give it a try!

    Buy and Sell Shortcuts

    • Added shortcuts to Purchase/Sales Orders via "Buy" and "Sell" buttons.
    • In product record, automatically selects the product for sale or purchase.
    • In a customer/vendor, "Buy" or "Sell" automatically selects the customer/vendor in an order.
    • In a vendor record, select "Suggest Reorder" under the "Buy" button to automatically fill a purchase order with items from the selected order based on your Reorder Points.

    Other New Features

    • inFlow now supports the SQL Server 2014 Express LocalDB database for Windows 7 and up. This means that installations will be faster and consume less resources than before.
    • New reports "Customer/Vendor Payment Details" show all individual payments. Old reports renamed to "Sales/Purchase Order Payment"
    • Re-introduced the Purchase Order Return document for returning items to your vendors
    • When adding new products from the product selection dropdown in an order, you can now also specify the Item Type
    • The Customer or Vendor Balance now shows up in the extra information tooltip of the selection dropdown

    Other Improvements

    • Improved performance on importing many products
    • Search filters will now preserve the order in which you had selected them
    • Error messages are now properly displayed when there's a problem restoring a database
    • When converting Sales Quotes to Sales Orders, the Order Date will now default to the current date
    • Improved the default filters on reports so that order statuses that are excluded will be visible by default
    • For improved security, the inFlow application server no longer runs under administrator privileges

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where cached data would stop updating in some cases
    • Fixed a problem where large database backups would run out of memory when run on client machines
    • Fixed a problem with product cost estimates when the stock level was exactly zero
    • Fixed a bug where the Estimated Inventory Duration report would be calculating sales based on the wrong time periods
    • Report descriptions no longer by default show times for the date range
    • When importing into Sales or Purchase Orders, subtotals will no longer override the unit price
    • Fixed a bug where importing CSV files with lines starting with # were ignored
    • Importing sales orders will no longer set the invoice date unless the order is paid or invoiced
    • Fixed an issue where printing custom documents didn't respect the number of copies selected
    • Custom documents will no longer show too many decimal places for Item Total Weight (now up to 4, only when necessary)
    • Fixed an issue where you would need to click Print a second time if an item was out of stock
    • Fixed an issue that made it difficult to correct the capitalization in some fields like City
    • Fixed an issue where the Order History tab of inFlow wouldn't resize properly

  • February 9, 2015 - Version 3.1.1 released!

    Version 3.1 is now ready for prime time! We’ve refined the previous beta version so everybody can now enjoy the new improvements, including email integration and customer statements. We’ve also made some changes to ensure that you maintain uninterrupted access to your inFlow licenses. Refinements from version 3.1.0 include:


    • Changed inFlow's licensing system to be more flexible and resilient in case of crashes, connection problems, and server errors
    • Exporting customers now also includes their default location and sales rep
    • Updated translations for all version 3.1 features and fixed problems with filenames and report columns not being translated
    • Implemented the "Fill Down" option in all date columns on sales and purchase orders

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed a bug with picking in different units of measure in sales orders
    • Fixed a bug where the Inventory Movement Details report filter by Sublocation option didn't work
    • Fixed a small problem with the Fulfilled and Cancelled stamps sometimes not appearing
    • Fixed a problem with sublocations not showing in the Inventory Details Report
    • Fixed problems with sales custom field filters sometimes not being offered in reports
    • Fixed an issue with not being able to split work orders with multiple finished products
    • Fixed error handling for duplicate document numbers for work orders, stock adjustments, and stock transfers
    • The installer will now include .NET 4.0.3 as part of the installation (unless a newer version is already installed)

  • December 17, 2014 - Beta Version 3.1.0 released!

    We planned to have smaller, more frequent releases, so here’s version 3.1.0 beta! This fixes numerous issues found in v3 and also adds a couple important new features as well!

    New Features

    • Email - You can now email out invoices and other documents directly from inFlow
    • Customer and Vendor Statements - You can now view the payment history for a customer or vendor and print statements.
    • For document types that have numerous subdocuments (e.g. box labels), you can now print or export an individual subdocument

    Sales and Purchase Orders

    • When automatically picking for Sales Orders with a location specified, inFlow will no longer pick stock from other locations when there's not enough stock in the specified location
    • You can now back-order a Sales Order with a location specified when there's enough stock available globally, but not in the specified location
    • Setting the Invoice Date now marks an order invoiced
    • In a sales order, inFlow will now default to a Sales Order instead of an Invoice when the order isn't fulfilled yet. We hope this will reduce unintentional invoicing.
    • The Packing Slip document can now be printed before the order has been shipped
    • Importing a purchase orders as completed will now mark it received on the Order Date instead of the date it was imported
    • Serial numbers are now chosen alphabetically when picking automatically
    • Fixed problems with some of the labels missing in some cases in the Return tab of Sales and Purchase orders
    • Unit prices on orders calculated from currency conversions will now be rounded to the appropriate number of decimal places
    • Fixed a problem in some cases with saving purchase orders failing using LIFO costing
    • Fixed a problem with using different units of measure in the Sales Order ship tab
    • Importing sales orders will now respect the selected Pricing Scheme when no unit price is specified
    • Fixed a problem with using the Standard UoM instead of the Purchasing UoM when scanning a purchase order using a barcode

    Printing and Reporting

    • You can now specify whether or not to include quotes in sales reports
    • The dashboard graphs for Sales Completed, Cost of Goods Sold, and Sales Profit now include fulfilled orders and don't depend on Payment Status
    • Document names are now more descriptive when saving to a file
    • Renamed Export to Save As for saving reports, to be consistent with printed documents
    • Renamed some of the columns in the Product Cost report for clarification
    • Various reports will now show the date range that they're printed for
    • Fixed the Inventory Movement Details report's Location filter
    • Fixed a problem with the zoom button not working in the print preview when clicking on the dropdown arrow
    • Dashboard graphs now once again allow Today and Yesterday filters
    • The Box Content List and Box Label documents will now show the number of boxes correctly
    • Fixed a problem with multi-line descriptions not showing properly on printed documents
    • The Fax field once again shows on printed purchase orders (when filled out)
    • The Customer Payment Details report now correctly pulls the Contact name from the Sales Order instead of always using the customer default
    • Fixed a calculation problem with the Count Sheet report's Total Adjustment Value when counting multiple locations
    • Fixed a bug with Reordering report when reorder point and quantity were set for nonstocked products
    • Fixed a bug where the Stock Reordering report would fail with a Reorder Quantity of zero
    • Fixed a calculation error with the Primary Taxable column in the Sales Tax Report when returns had been done


    • Performance optimizations to Product, Customer, and Vendor dropdowns
    • Performance optimization to loading vendors with a very large number of products
    • Performance optimization to loading the Current Stock screen
    • Performance optimizations to updating costs when saving a document
    • Performance optimizations to migrating inFlow v2 databases
    • Changed timeouts for long-running operations so that they should no longer fail after 30 seconds

    Other Improvements

    • Pricing Schemes will now be sorted alphabetically in the Product page
    • When you own licenses and are also on a trial, this is now shown more clearly.
    • Error messages for work orders going into negative inventory are now more specific and helpful
    • Copying a product will now also copy the cost for moving average and Standard costing methods
    • Users without edit access to a record will now be able to view attachments
    • The Description column is now available in the Movement History screen
    • New Currency: Cayman Islands Dollar

    Other Bug Fixes

    • Fixed some problems with migrating version 2 databases to version 3
    • Fixed a problem causing offline access certificates to become invalidated
    • Fixed a problem with Product Categories where the categories would sometimes not show properly
    • Fixed a memory leak causing inFlow to be unable to print after many successful prints
    • Fixed problems with handling sublocations or serial numbers that vary only by capitalization or trailing spaces
    • Fixed a problem where the UoM or other fields would sometimes go missing
    • Fixed a problem where some tables in inFlow would not properly sort products alphabetically
    • Fixed two problems with some customers being unable to start inFlow in rare cases
    • Fixed a problem where for some customers inFlow would come up with “Fix the problem for me” each time upon startup
    • Fixed an error with costing in Work Orders for those using the Standard Costing method
    • Fixed some calculation errors with the Quantity Reserved and Quantity Available in product dropdown's blue tooltip window and the Product Order History page
    • Errors are now properly shown when saving stock adjustments, stock transfers, or work orders with conflicting document numbers
    • Fixed a problem with the Current Stock screen when a product had too many serial numbers
    • The Quantity dropdown within the Product's Bill of Materials tab will now show all unit of measure options
    • Fixed an Work Order listing column incorrectly labeled as Sheet #
    • Fixed a problem where the weight unit of measure wouldn't display properly when the length was set to mm
    • Fixed a bug where the vendor list wouldn't properly show the vendor addresses
    • Fixed a problem in the Product details' Product Vendors tab where prices would be incorrectly converted based on the currency exchange rate
    • Users that are restricted from Exporting now are also restricted by exporting data by right-clicking listing tables
    • Users who don't have access to edit products will no longer be able to add new products or save product descriptions from an order

  • September 6, 2014 - Version 3.0.8 publicly released!

    Hurray! Version 3 of inFlow is publicly released! Just a few tweaks from the release candidate below:


    • Significant performance optimizations for large sales and purchase orders
    • Translations complete - you should now be able to use inFlow 3.0.8 in English, French, Spanish, and Chinese
    • Enabled permanent offline activations without ever having internet connection from that machine
    • Changed version 2 to version 3 migration so that irrecoverable orders will be shown in installer and cancelled instead of deleted
    • Added 8 currencies to inFlow: Armenian Dram, Angolan Kwanza, Vanuata vatu, Solomon Island Dollar, Ethiopian Birr, Gambian Dalasi, Haitian Gourde, and Mauritanian ouguiya
    • Taxing Schemes now no longer require tax names to be specified - they will still calculate and show the taxes with a default tax name

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed a bug where the Save Icon wasn't being offered for price changes when the standard UoM was set but the sales UoM was not
    • Fixed a bug with the units of measure in a generated stock transfer
    • Fixed a bug where scanning serial number barcodes on Purchase Orders would require an extra click/scan
    • Fixed a bug with taxing schemes showing improperly in sales orders
    • Fixed a bug where custom fields were not showing up in purchasing custom documents
    • Fixed a bug where Requested Ship Date was mislabelled as Ship Date in some reports
    • Fixed a bug where the purchasing UoM field in products would stop working in some cases
    • The Non-Customer Cost field will now be reflected in the Sales Order Profit report and Sales Rep report
    • Fixed a bug with handling negative inventory quantities and costs in some reports
    • Large batch payments will no longer time out after 30 seconds
    • Fixed a bug where database connections wouldn't be properly closed in some cases

  • August 8, 2014 - Release Candidate 3.0.7 released!

    This is a release candidate for Version 3 of inFlow, building upon the previously released beta version with numerous fixes and performance improvements.

    New Features

    • You can now insert, edit and delete Moving Average Cost Adjustments
    • You can now add serial numbers to custom documents

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed a problem where inFlow could lose licensing information (leading to other problems) if the computer went to sleep or hibernation.
    • Fixed a problem where inFlow could freeze in some cases on the Bill of Materials screen.
    • Fixed a problem where importing stock levels would zero out stock in other locations not specified in the import file
    • Fixed a problem where the Box Label document couldn’t be printed properly
    • Orders that were paid in version 2 now remain paid when migrated to version 3, even when the total may have changed due to rounding differences.
    • Fixed a problem where work orders that couldn’t be successfully migrated from version 2 would lead to miscalculations of Quantity Reserved and Quantity On Order
    • Updated Custom Document sample data sources to include new columns
    • Fixed a problem importing serial numbers into Purchase Orders
    • Fixed a few problems with certain fields not being enabled at the right times
    • Fixed a problem with conflicting data when adjusting company information in Print Settings and main Settings
    • Fixed a problem with the report filters in the Vendor List report
    • Using "Create Work Order" from the Copy menu of a Sales Order no longer copies items that do not have a Bill of Materials.
    • Fixed various issues with translations. (Please note there are still some minor translations which will be updated for the official release).
    • The Carrier field is once again available in Purchase Orders
    • Fixed a problem where saving a product with serial numbers would sometimes need to be done twice.
    • Fixed a problem where Custom Fields were missing from Work Order listings
    • Fixed a problem when exporting products where SerialNextNumber would be set to 1 even for non-serialized products
    • Fixed a problem where the cost couldn’t be set for serialized products when there were no serial numbers
    • The Description search criterion is now once again available in Current Stock
    • Fixed a bug where Return Date wasn’t being loaded properly in Sales Orders
    • Fixed some problems with the inventory status icons (exclamation marks) for Work Orders
    • Fixed a bug where the Receiving Address type (Commercial or Residential) wouldn’t be saved properly
    • Fixed a few small problems with using "Add New" to create new Payment Terms, Taxing Schemes, and Languages


    • Performance improvements in many parts of the system, particularly when dealing with many products.
    • The Print Dialog no longer closes after, "Save As."
    • The Print Dialog now remembers how many copies you printed last time
    • Emptying the Quantity dropdown no longer puts in 0 until you leave the dropdown
    • Exporting Bill of Materials now preserves the order
    • Backup files now have more descriptive names
    • Improved mechanism of backups on server computer to reduce out-of-memory problems
    • A customer’s default payment method is now used when adding new payments in the Payment Details popup
    • You can now use inFlow offline (with paid licenses that are valid for v3). inFlow will automatically try to maintain your licenses for temporary internet loss, or please contact support for computers that will be permanently offline.

  • June 17, 2014 - Beta Version 3.0.6 released!

    Version 3 of inFlow has been released to beta! This is a major release, with many new features and improvements. This beta version is in preparation for a subsequent public release.

    New Features

    • You can now track products and their serial numbers!
    • New costing methods: FIFO and LIFO
    • Customer and vendor payments can now apply to multiple orders at once
    • Track payment credits for customers and vendors and apply them to orders
    • Stock Transfers and Stock Adjustments can now be saved and printed
    • You can now set different tax rates depending on a per-product basis

    Changes to Sales and Purchase Orders

    • Orders now separately track inventory and payment statuses
    • You can now manage per-line fulfillment status all from the main tab
    • You can now manage returns all from the main tab
    • It’s now much easier to modify orders and correct shipment mistakes
    • It’s now easier to create a product or customer from the order page and save its details
    • Orders will now show an error if you try to ship/receive more than was ordered

    Other Major Changes

    • The Print dialog has been revamped to make it much easier to use/print documents
    • Back-dated orders and changes now consistently use the specified date
    • The Settings window has been overhauled to make it much easier to use
    • Your inFlow licenses are now more flexible
    • Improved multi-user mode setup: inFlow now detects servers within your network, and you no longer need a server password

    Usability and Minor Changes

    • Bill of Materials section has now been expanded into a new tab for better visibility
    • You can create a Work Order for a product directly from the new Bill of Materials tab
    • Count Sheet now has an option to exclude/include zero quantities
    • When entering Search criteria, you no longer need to click Refresh for the list to update
    • Product Cost and Price combined into one section
    • Costing method is now system-wide instead of per-product
    • Movement history in product record can now be filtered to show certain transaction types, dates, or locations
    • Added “Secondary Tax on Shipping” option in Taxing Schemes setup
    • Moved Product Cost Report to Inventory Reports instead of Purchasing Reports
    • Changed "Report List" to "All Reports"
    • Added ability to revert to previously saved versions of an order
    • Non-Customer Costs have been added to Sales Orders
    • The Sales Order Pack and Ship tabs have been combined into one Ship tab, with a popup window for Shipping Details
    • Cancelling orders is now done through the toolbar, similar to Deactivating products
    • You can now mark returned items as returned or discarded
    • Status bar on the right-side of the homepage shows your licensing status
    • The choices available on the homepage have been tweaked
    • Improved error handling for Import Data
    • ... and many, many more!

    Bug Fixes

    • Restricting cost info for users no longer shows the cost in the Product Pricing screen
    • "Cash Out" and "Cash In" on Dashboard now include taxes
    • Fixed a bug with custom documents failing to generate due to a folder not being created
    • Fixed a bug where categories were not properly sorted in the product record
    • ... and many, many more!

  • Jan 21, 2013 - Version 2.5.1 released!

    We're happy to announce that inFlow Version 2.5.1 has been released, after successful beta testing. This release includes multiple payment tracking, improved reordering, lets you sort order lines, and adds support for Windows 8.

    There are also quite a few other bug fixes and tweaks. For more details, please see the beta release notes for versions 2.5.1 and 2.5.0 below.

  • Jan 8, 2013 - Beta Version 2.5.1 released!

    Version 2.5.1 has been released to beta. This is a small bugfix release on top of version 2.5.0 that fixes a few small issues to prepare for public release.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed some bugs with text not being properly translated to different languages
    • Fixed a problem where generating Work Orders from Sales Orders would include items that did not have a Bill of Materials defined
    • Fixed a problem where item names wouldn't be properly sorted alphabetically
    • Fixed a problem where the list of Locations couldn't be saved after sorting it
    • Fixed a problem where the installer wasn’t detecting already existing installation of SQL Server 2008


    • Added custom fields to the Sales Tax report
    • Fixed a problem with the Sales Order Operational Report where it wouldn't show the ship date correctly

  • Oct 24, 2012 - Beta Version 2.5.0 released!

    A new beta version of inFlow is now available for download! Version 2.5.0 adds multiple payment tracking, improves reordering, lets you sort order lines, and adds support for Windows 8. There are also quite a few smaller tweaks and bug fixes.

    Please keep in mind if you decide to update that this version is a beta version and that we ask users to notify us of any minor issues they find while employing the program as this release is not yet in its final stage. Remember that this is a beta version (and so it will be very important to backup your database before updating in case you decide you'd like to revert to the previous version).


    • Multiple payments have arrived! You can now see the history of payments within an order.
    • You can now sort line items in orders
    • New toolbar on order tables that lets you insert, delete, and rearrange lines
    • inFlow now works on Windows 8. The installer can now install SQL Server 2008 R2 instead of SQL Server 2005, and does this by default for Windows 8.


    • Reordering now factors in pending stock changes from open work orders
    • Reordering from sales and work orders now respect reorder point, reorder quantity, and pending orders
    • Sales and work orders will now show you when you don't have enough stock, but are waiting for a purchase order to come in
    • Like components are now consolidated when creating a Purchase Order from a Work Order with multiple assemblies
    • You can now exclude assembly items (with a bill of materials defined) when reordering


    • New Report: pull inventory from a specific date in the past
    • Tracking number now available in Sales Order Operational Report
    • Added Date Paid to Sales Order Profit Report

    Custom Documents

    • Line numbers and Tracking Numbers are now available for use in custom documents


    • Currencies added: Malawi Kwatcha, Jamaican Dollar, Burmese Kyat, Albanian Lek, Guyanese Dollar, Laos Kip, Paraguayan Guarambi and Bolivian Peso
    • Currency code fixed for Maldivian Rufiyaa
    • Decimal fix for New Turkish Lira and Chinese Renminbi


    • Keyboard shortcuts are now available for navigating tabs: Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-Shift-Tab to navigate top-level tabs, Ctrl-T to open a new tab, and Ctrl-W to close the
    • current tab
    • Search our online support centre directly from the Help menu
    • Sales Quotes will now appear in your Customer's "Order History" tab
    • Improved usability in Reporting when choosing what columns to include
    • Improved connection setup for multi-user mode, including the ability to fall back to using an IP address

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed problem with display in dashboard when numbers were larger than 6 digits
    • Improved handling of uninitialized cost values in the dashboard
    • Fixed problem with Vendor Payment Due in dashboard
    • Corrected calculation of Non-Vendor costs when using percentage in Product Cost Report
    • Export no longer ignores "show cost info" access rights
    • Service and non-stocked items no longer show inventory when selecting that item
    • Corrected false error related to too many regular licenses on the network

  • Sept 29, 2011 - Version 2.4.0 released!

    Our newest version of inFlow is now available for download! Version 2.4.0 improves the multi-user experience by streamlining the troubleshooter; making setting up multi-user mode even easier. There is now more flexbility in reports and a few new features in the work orders and bill of materials.

    For more details on the changes, please see the release notes for beta versions 2.4.0 below.

  • Aug 31, 2011 - Beta Version 2.4.0 released!

    A new beta version of inFlow is now available for download! Version focuses on the multi-user experience by clarifying and improving connection troubleshooter to make setup even easier. We've also added more flexibility to the reports, and a few new features to the work orders and bill of materials. There have been several bug fixes included in this release which span a wide range of fixes so please have a look at the release notes to see what has changed in this version update.

    Please keep in mind if you decide to update that this version is a beta version and that we ask users to notify us of any minor issues they find while employing the program as this release is not yet in its final stage. Remember that this is a beta version (and so it will be very important to backup your database before updating in case you decide you'd like to revert to the previous version).


    • Added Papua New Guinea Kina (PKG)
    • Added Fijian Dollar (FJD)
    • Added Barbadian Dollar (BBD)
    • Added Brunei dollar (BND)
    • Dominican Republic symbol has been corrected


    • You can now import Bill of Materials lists (see sample database for formatting)
    • Right click any table to save as CSV
    • Import pictures: add img path to your CSV file to have the system load your pictures
    • You can now use the autofill button in the Purchase order to suggest products, simply select your vendor then click the button to populate your items and quantities
    • There is now a dropdown under the BOM which shows Total price
    • Product imports include a default location quantity option (but this is only visible for imports)
    • You can now copy customer record to a vendor and vice versa


    • Changed handling of searches with Arabic or Chinese characters
    • When you only have one customer, a new sales order auto-selects the customer, but will no longer prompt to save it if there is no other data
    • You can now import dollar discounts
    • You will be able to Search PO and SO listings by Location
    • Fields are now left aligned in Order Search
    • Now supports customer search by city/state/zip code
    • Added Search by Custom Fields for Current Stock
    • You can now set a defaulting pricing scheme for the Sales Rep (priority will be given to the customer's scheme if there is one)
    • Added indication when some item weights are not initialized
    • Can now use reference table dropdowns in tables
    • Change title at the top for SQ, SO (is now differentiated)
    • Will remember the unit selected for showing weights
    • Added estimated weight/volume calculations
    • Will now remember print/preview/export preference
    • Sticky menu has changed slightly
    • Shows red exclamation mark beside the item in question instead of "Problem with integrity of data" when saving
    • Save the location of where reports and exported documents were last exported in registry
    • Typing invalid customer into sales order now triggers overwrite request
    • there are now default sales locations for customer
    • Change negative inventory warning to indicate there may be other items
    • Changed the way that sales orders generate work order or purchase order - option to generate only for order
    • You can now add multiple lines of information to the miscellaneous field of the company information
    • There is now "always do this" dialogue in the administrator's account for controlling settings
    • Scanning in receive tab now behaves the same as the order tab
    • Work orders are now included on the order history tab (products)
    • Double clicking work order entries in the movement history tab will now show that work order
    • Optimization of processing times for larger work orders
    • When activating your licenses those which have been used will now be sorted to the top of the list
    • Switching users will now prompt you to save your work
    • Duplication keeps the product name but shows a conflict
    • Item Codes can now be longer than 60 characters
    • Packing now estimates the approximate weight and volume of each box individually (as well as the boxes as a whole)
    • If you only have one user with no password the system will no longer ask for it
    • Line discount and total discount now available for custom documents
    • Long totals will now wrap within the documents
    • Creating a purchase order from the work order will now be split automatically by vendor
    • Count sheets will now show item when it has stock but is inactive (and is expressly selected)


    • You can now Filter Sales Order Operational Report by Address
    • Added option to group just by product category (not Category, Product)
    • The option to include cancelled reports is ignored
    • Added Vendor Product Code Back Order Report
    • Added Vendor Item Code to Stock Reordering Report
    • Added unit price to the PO Details report
    • Added Customer info to Customer Order Report
    • Sales Tax Report can now be filtered by state

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an error when searching custom fields with apostrophes
    • Corrected a PO receive button image error
    • Fixed a bug with validation of return/unstock
    • Fixed status bug within the ship tab in specific case
    • Corrected refresh of category filter (Product Listing)
    • Corrected a bug with scrolling when dragging a Product Category and issue with dragging when max char reached
    • Corrected a series of keystroke errors related to discounts, deleting rows and quantity dropdowns
    • Editing Sublocations now defaults to top location
    • By default customer list report should not include inactive customers
    • Corrected a bug where Balance From (order search) anything lower than 0.50 would still show 0.00
    • Complete and Pay is now greyed out when the order is complete
    • Printing to your custom document should now bring your word window to the front
    • Corrected a bug with quantity calculations when purchase unit smaller than standard
    • Discount now refreshes when customer changed
    • Fixed bug where Completed SOs would show out-of-stock warnings
    • Fixed problem with Use Current Cost not saving properly
    • Can now print invoices with transparent PNGs
    • Corrected a bug with component quantities in work orders (when finished product was qty 1)
    • Fixed a bug which allowed Administrator to restrict the Company Settings from themselves
    • Corrected bug with display of measurements in product record
    • Quantity dropdown now shows only the quantity in the selected location
    • Corrected bug with saving billing address

    Interested in the new beta? Check it out!

  • March 14th, 2011 - Version released!

    The inFlow team has been hard at work and it's time once again to release the new and improved inFlow to the public! Thank you to all our customers who participated in the beta test and helped to make this the best version of inFlow yet! This release incorporates the changes which have been addressed over the past few beta's as well as as few new features to make it even easier to use inFlow.

    With this release we have improved the way inFlow imports your information from outside sources, it will even confirm changes made during the import. What's more, you can now import inventory levels and choose whether to add them to the current stock, subtract them or completely replace the information currently in the system. We've added three new reports to the reporting module and sped up daily operations. When transferring stock you will now have the ability to add by location and there is now a tool which allows you to right click on a table item and choose "fill down" to quickly change many items in a table (eg. when choosing the location from which to pull your inventory during a sales order).

    There are plenty more exciting improvements to the program so head please take a moment to peruse the notes below regarding the changes which have been made to this version.

    To download now, visit the download page:

  • Feb 25, 2011 - Beta Version 2.3.1 released!

    This version doesn't add major new functionality, but focuses on making the things you already do easier. We've improved the importing functions, added more options to reports (including new reports to print out your customer and vendor lists), added some small new features to speed up operations like transferring all stock from one location to another, and fixed some bugs.

    New Features

    • Better error reporting and summary of actions taken when importing
    • When importing inventory, there'll be 3 options: overwrite, add or subtract imported quantity (so you can update inventory more easily)
    • You can now add products by location in the Transfer Stock window to easily transfer all stock from one location to another
    • You can now right click in many tables in inFlow to "fill down" for mass entry; e.g. set all quantities to 10
    • You can now save a new product description back to your product record from the PO
    • You can now export your previously imported custom documents
    • Additions and corrections for the currencies of Israel, Nicaragua, Estonia, Costa Rica, and Latvia

    New Features

    • If you uncheck auto invoice in a sales order, inFlow will remember this preference. This makes it easier to track which orders you've invoiced.
    • Dashboard can now be restricted in user access rights (premium only)
    • You can now search by category in the current stock window
    • Improved alignment of custom fields in reports
    • Holding your mouse over truncated entries in a dropdown list will now show a tooltip to allow you to read the whole entry
    • Improved handling of price changes in the adjust product prices
    • When importing products the last vendor listed will now also have the product added to their product list upon import
    • Expanded the maximum length of the product description field
    • Modified the customer, product, and vendor dropdowns so that hitting tab when entering a new entry would move the focus to the Add button
    • you will now be automatically prompted for admin info when installing to a windows profile without admin rights
    • Vendor Code is now available as a tag in custom docs (VendorItemCode for POs)

    Bug Fixes

    • Corrected alignment issue with prices in the product record
    • Corrected bug with dropdown menus
    • Corrected a bug with turning shipping on/off for imported purchase orders
    • Corrected a bug with cost calculation in Work Orders
    • Corrected a bug with splitting an order multiple times
    • Corrected a bug which incorrectly allowed you to translate pricing schemes
    • Corrected quantity warning bug in Sales Order
    • Corrected bug in the sample custom documents where last row was cut off
    • Corrected bug with "always do this" where settings were not saving correctly
    • Fixed a bug with intermittent case sensitivity in imports
    • Fixed a bug with refreshing vendor product code and prices when selecting new vendor in PO
    • Fixed a bug where the vendor code/price wasn't updated when choosing a new vendor in a PO
    • Fixed a bug with the autofill on purchase orders not copying the vendor code
    • Fixed a bug with the date dropdown
    • When importing vendor information, it will default to home currency if there is no currency code available in the file
    • Changed the way the Inventory Summary report calculates its cost
    • Changing pricing/currency will now update order prices
    • Fixed a bug with the quantities in work orders when a part had a quantity of 0
    • Fixed a bug where the balance might not show properly in custom documents
    • Fixed a bug where transferring between locations with the same prefix caused errors


    • Added two new basic reports: Customer List and Vendor List
    • Fixed a bug where certain report settings weren't being remembered/saved properly
    • Added the Pricing/Currency column to the Sales by Product Details report
    • Added the Requested Ship Date column to the Purchase Order Details report
    • Added the Cost column to the Product Price List report
    • Sales reports can be grouped by Payment Method
    • Sales by Product Details report can now be grouped by Sales Rep
    • Estimated Inventory Duration report can now include zero quantity items
    • Customer Payment reports no longer include cancelled orders as a default
    • Adjusted the way custom fields are laid out in reports
    • Fixed some layout issues in the Sales Order Operational Report

    Interested in the new beta? You can get it here:

  • Dec 30, 2010 - Beta Version 2.3.0 released!

    Please keep in mind if you decide to update that this version is a beta version and that we ask users to notify us of any minor issues they find while employing the program as this release is not yet in its final stage. While this version doesn't add major new functionality, it focuses on making the things you already do easier! We've improved the importing functions, added more options to reports (including new reports to print out your customer and vendor lists), added some small new features to speed up operations like transferring all stock from one location to another, and fixed some bugs.

    New Features

    • Better error reporting and summary of actions taken when importing
    • When importing inventory, there'll be 3 options: overwrite, add or subtract imported quantity (so you can update inventory more easily)
    • You can now add products by location in the Transfer Stock window to easily transfer all stock from one location to another
    • You can now right click in many tables in inFlow to "fill down" for mass entry; e.g. set all quantities to 10
    • You can now save a new product description back to your product record from the PO
    • You can now export your previously imported custom documents
    • Additions and corrections for the currencies of Israel, Nicaragua, Estonia, Costa Rica, and Latvia

    Utility Changes

    • If you uncheck auto invoice in a sales order, inFlow will remember this preference. This makes it easier to track which orders you've invoiced.
    • Dashboard can now be restricted in user access rights (premium only)
    • You can now search by category in the current stock window
    • Improved alignment of custom fields in reports
    • Holding your mouse over truncated entries in a dropdown list will now show a tooltip to allow you to read the whole entry
    • Improved handling of price changes in the adjust product prices
    • When importing products the last vendor listed will now also have the product added to their product list upon import
    • Expanded the maximum length of the product description field
    • Modified the customer, product, and vendor dropdowns so that hitting tab when entering a new entry would move the focus to the Add button
    • you will now be automatically prompted for admin info when installing to a windows profile without admin rights
    • Vendor Code is now available as a tag in custom docs (VendorItemCode for PO's)

    Bug Fixes

    • Corrected alignment issue with prices in the product record
    • Corrected bug with dropdown menus
    • Corrected a bug with turning shipping on/off for imported purchase orders
    • Corrected a bug with cost calculation in Work Orders
    • Corrected a bug with splitting an order multiple times
    • Corrected a bug which incorrectly allowed you to translate pricing schemes
    • Corrected quantity warning bug in Sales Order
    • Corrected bug in the sample custom documents where last row was cut off
    • Corrected bug with "always do this" where settings were not saving correctly
    • Fixed a bug with intermittent case sensitivity in imports
    • Fixed a bug with refreshing vendor product code and prices when selecting new vendor in PO
    • Fixed a bug where the vendor code/price wasn't updated when choosing a new vendor in a PO
    • Fixed a bug with the autofill on purchase orders not copying the vendor code
    • Fixed a bug with the date dropdown
    • When importing vendor information, it will default to home currency if there is no currency code available in the file
    • Changed the way the Inventory Summary report calculates its cost
    • Changing pricing/currency will now update order prices
    • Fixed a bug with the quantities in work orders when a part had a quantity of 0
    • Fixed a bug where the balance might not show properly in custom documents
    • Fixed a bug where transferring between locations with the same prefix caused errors


    • Added two new basic reports: Customer List and Vendor List
    • Fixed a bug where certain report settings weren't being remembered/saved properly
    • Added the Pricing/Currency column to the Sales by Product Details report
    • Added the Requested Ship Date column to the Purchase Order Details report
    • Added the Cost column to the Product Price List report
    • Sales reports can be grouped by Payment Method
    • Sales by Product Details report can now be grouped by Sales Rep
    • Estimated Inventory Duration report can now include zero quantity items
    • Customer Payment reports no longer include cancelled orders as a default
    • Adjusted the way custom fields are laid out in reports
    • Fixed some layout issues in the Sales Order Operational Report

    Don't delay, download the new beta version today!

  • Sept 18, 2010 - Version 2.2.3 released!

    It's time for a new release and this is the most exciting one yet! The developers have been hard at work on the latest version of inFlow, and they've incorporated many of the suggestions we've been receiving through our forum and from our customers. The result is an exciting new step in inFlow's development: the ability to handle multiple currencies!

    The new functionality has been integrated into the inFlow you know and love so as to minimize changes to your user experience. You can now set up default currencies other than your own for vendors or customers you have in other markets and inFlow will do all the calculations for you based on the conversions you enter. What's more, you can run reports that reflect both the forign currency and your own and even see an order total in your own currency by holding your mouse over the numbers.

    There are plenty more exciting improvements to the program so check out the full release notes of improvements below. It is important to be sure that you're data is prepared to move to the new version before you install and convert. For more on the conversion process and new features click here:

    To download now, visit the download page:

  • Sept 3, 2010 - Beta Version 2.2.2 released!

    This is a small beta release that fixes a number of issues encountered in the previous beta release We have corrected the date drop-down selection issue that users were experiencing and we've corrected a bug whereby duplicate lines could show up on Sales and Purchase orders. You can also now use your barcodes in custom documents. This is a free update for everyone; if you are already on version beta you should definitely update. You can do so in one of two ways:

    1. Via the program by checking for updates if you have previously signed up for beta release updates (Main Menu > Settings > About inFlow > "Check for Updates")

    2. By going here:

    New Features

    • Added Maldivian and Jordinian currencies
    • Custom documents can now include the barcode field

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed a bug where the last item could get duplicated in sales orders
    • Fixed a bug where the count sheet wouldn’t print
    • Fixed the date selection drop down bug
    • Corrected the symbol used in the Bangladeshi currency
    • Fixed a bug where the dashboard could crash inFlow if the inFlow installation had some problems

    Usability Changes

    • Set updates so that only Administrators in inFlow can update inFlow to the newest version. Non-administrators will be notified approximately once a month if there are updates.
    • PO Status report will now be shown in landscape format, to allow more space
    • The Dashboard will now show the Ending Cost of your inventory (showing the last time period's value) rather than adding up all the previous ones

  • Aug 6th, 2010 - Beta Version 2.2.1 released!

    Please keep in mind if you decide to update that this version is a beta version and that we ask users to notify us of any minor issues they find while employing the program as this release is not yet in its final stage. Version 2.2 of inFlow adds multiple-currency support, so you can charge customers and pay vendors in their own currencies within inFlow. There's also a ton of other improvements and bug fixes. You can read the full release notes here, or just update your copy of inFlow.

    Two things have changed in inFlow that might take you a little while to get used to. We're sorry for any inconvenience this might cause, but we strongly believe in continually improving. It's probably a good idea to do the update when you have an hour or two of free time. You can always go back to the old version as well (as long as you keep the backup file inFlow makes when you update your database).

    First off, this new version requires you to select a currency from inFlow's existing list of currencies (previously it would default to your Windows settings). If you're using a currency that inFlow doesn't yet support, send us an email to and we'll get you set up within a few days.

    Secondly, we've also made a change to the way vendor prices are saved. inFlow no longer has a field for Last Purchase Price; instead, each vendor's price is remembered separately whenever you choose to purchase from that vendor. It is very important to be sure you're clear on the changes before you update so please take a look at the article below before downloading.

    And there you have it, inFlow can now handle sales and purchasing in multiple currencies, all while tracking your inventory and allowing you to keep track of your sales in your own currency!

    Download the newest beta version today!


    • inFlow now supports multiple currencies, along with setting up exchange rates. You can now set different sales and purchase orders to different currencies, and set prices in different currencies. There are many changes made throughout the system to support this. (e.g. you can get reports that show you everything converted into your home currency, or in the local currency.)
    • You can now choose whether to save information (e.g. prices) entered into a Purchase Order as the Vendor's default
    • Sales Taxes can now display up to 3 decimal places in tax rates.
    • Added the Remarks and Quantity columns to the Movement History tab of the Product screen.
    • When using the default method in Reorder Stock, for products that are out-of-stock and have Reorder Point set to 0, it'll now respect the Reorder Quantity.
    • You can now initialize the Moving Average cost for a product right from the product page. (Subsequent changes will need to go through the dialog.)


    • Removed the Last Purchase Price field from Products. This has been replaced with the ability to save prices back into the Vendor's default to remember vendor prices on a per-vendor basis.
    • Removed Windows Currency option in order to support multiple currencies. Now you need to choose one of the existing currencies on our list. If you find that you need an additional currency added, please email us at
    • To reduce confusion, you can no longer have two locations with the same name. (If you do, inFlow will automatically rename them when updating.)
    • We've simplified the way that you can add new Products, Customers, and Vendors in the dropdown.


    • We've done a significant amount of work to make inFlow load and run faster. We'd love to hear your feedback.
    • Improvements to the Homepage, Get Started page, and Startup Questionnaire to help new users get started.
    • Made it easier to add new product, customer, and vendor records from the dropdowns.
    • Changed the display when saving product prices to clarify that it saves for the pricing scheme, not just for that customer.
    • inFlow's popup dialogs no longer break the alt-tab program switching behaviour.
    • If you only have one active customer or vendor, it'll automatically be selected in a new Sales or Purchase order respectively.
    • You can now resize most of the popup dialogs.
    • Improved handling of the Escape key for cancelling edits and closing windows making it harder to accidentally close a window.
    • The last logged-in inFlow user is now remembered.
    • The list of inFlow users is now sorted on the login screen.
    • The Markup field on the Product screen now has a little extra space, to show the markup more precisely.
    • To reduce the chance of errors, the Product Pricing screen will no longer automatically select a Pricing Scheme, unless you only have one.
    • Backup and restore now default selecting files in the desktop directory, and remember the last directory you chose.
    • Better error handling and error messages shown when creating backups.
    • Changed the display of the Markup percentages to be hidden when there's no cost or no price


    • Added some new optional columns to reports:
    • Date Time column in the Inventory Movement Details report
    • Vendor Order # column to the Purchase Order Summary, Purchase Order Details, Purchase Order Status, and Purchasing Tax reports
    • Purchase Order # column to the Sales Order Summary, Sales by Product Details, Sales Order Profit, Sales Order Operational, Customer Payment Details, Back Order, Customer Order History, Sales Rep, and Product Customer reports
    • Requested Ship Date column to the Sales by Product Details, Product Customer, and Back Order reports
    • Date Paid column to the Sales Tax and Purchasing Tax reports
    • Payment Method column to the Sales Order Profit, Sales Order Operation, Customer Payment Details, Customer Order History, Sales Tax, Sales Rep, and Sales Order Summary reports
    • Freight column to the Purchase Order Summary and Purchasing Tax reports
    • Fixed the layout of reports to not leave a blank space if there's no report description.
    • Fixed reports sometimes not respecting the selected paper size of the default printer.
    • Fixed a problem where the Product Cost report would not generate in some cases.
    • Fixed a bug in the Customer Order History report where refunded items were not handled correctly
    • Layout change: Headings for right-aligned columns are now center-aligned
    • Fixed a bug in the Inventory Movement Details report when filtering by location
    • Discounted Price in Product Price List report is now properly rounded
    • Inactive products will now be shown on the Purchase Order Status, Back Order, Customer Order History, and Purchase Order Details reports
    • Fixed the layout of some columns in the Estimated Inventory Duration report to be right-aligned
    • Fixed a bug in the Inventory Details, Inventory Summary, Vendor Product List reports where unit of measurement conversions weren't being handled properly for prices.
    • Can now filter by Date Paid in the Sales Representative Report
    • Fixed a bug with alignment of report elements for empty reports


    • inFlow now ships with Chinese support
    • Connection troubleshooter and loading screens are now also translated
    • Fixed some errors where the homepage would not be translated properly
    • Messages for having new versions of inFlow will now be translated

    Custom Documents

    • Sales custom documents now allow choosing customer email, website, tax number, and custom fields, as well as more date and remark fields
    • Purchasing custom documents now allow choosing item discounts, and more date and remark fields
    • Updated the formatting in the sample custom documents to use single spacing in the remarks field
    • Fixed a bug where the remarks would not be shown on custom documents until the remarks field lost focus

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed a bug where users would be asked to log into inFlow even when they had never set up any users.
    • Fixed a bug where tables wouldn't display properly when being resized.
    • inFlow will now start at the screen asking for Server Name and Password after a client-only install
    • Fixed the balances and totals in the listings for Purchase and Sales orders to account for returns and invoices
    • Purchase Orders now show the ship-to address names
    • Removed the Calibri and Cambria Math fonts as options in Print Settings to avoid problems due to using those fonts
    • Fixed an error where the homepage might incorrectly show that it was using the sample database
    • Fixed a bug where the Purchase Orders weren't converting costs to the Purchasing UoM
    • Increased the timeout for autobackup. It should now work more reliably.
    • Fixed a bug when installing SQL XMO on Windows XP SP2.
    • Updated the balance in the Order History tab of the Vendor details to not be shown for orders that aren't yet due
    • Sample Database no longer has backup and restore options
    • Fixed a bug where cancelling closing inFlow didn't work

  • June 10th, 2010 - Version released!

    We're now releasing version (this makes the updates in the past two beta releases available to the public). This release focuses on allowing you to customize your invoices and other documents, giving you more choice in presenting a professional image to customers and vendors. You can now choose from our three template styles available through the Print Settings.

    What's more, if you have Microsoft Word, you can create your own custom documents (e.g. envelopes or custom invoices) and have inFlow integrate them using mail merge. More info here:

    We've also made inFlow easier to use by giving you an option to automatically save customer information entered into a Sales Order to be used as the default next time. Download this new release for free now!

  • May 14th, 2010 - Version 2.1.1 released!

    This is a small beta release that fixes a number of issues encountered in the previous beta release 2.1.0. We have improved the speed and reliability of the custom documents, as well as enabled a few other columns to be used, like custom fields for products. We have also fixed some issues that customers were running into when doing client-only installations of inFlow, either when patching or installing fresh.

    Custom Documents

    • Custom documents can now include product custom fields and the item tax code
    • Improved the speed that custom documents will be created
    • The sample data sources for custom documents now use CSV files instead of .XLS files
    • Fixed an issue where the right custom document might not be shown if you restore a different database
    • Added messages in the toolbar when the custom document is generating

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed a bug where products with differences in their capitalization or spacing would not import properly
    • Fixed a bug where client-only machines would have trouble patching
    • Fixed a bug where client-only machines would give an internal error if SQL SMO wasn't installed
    • Fixed a bug where client-only machines couldn't run database backups
    • Fixed an issue where ampersands in category names wouldn't display properly
    • Fixed a few issues with translations of inFlow where text would be cut off
    • Fixed a bug with the Estimated Inventory Duration report
    • Fixed a bug with handling errors if too many columns selected when generating report

    Usability Changes

    • Tweaked the dialog that asks if you want to save changes in a Sales Order back to the Customer record to make it easier to use
    • If the customer doesn't have a pricing scheme specified and a sales order is using the default pricing scheme, you'll no longer be asked if you want to save it
    • Improved the speed of handling large sales or purchase orders
    • Added the Macanese Patacas currency

  • May 4th, 2010 - Beta Version 2.1.0 released!

    Please keep in mind, if you do decide to update, that this is a beta release and we ask that users notify us of any minor issues they run into while employing the program as it is not yet in its final stage. This update focuses on allowing you to customize the invoices and other documents you send to customers and vendors from inFlow. You can now choose from our three template styles available through the print settings and shown below:

    What's more, if you have Microsoft Word, you can create your own custom documents (e.g. envelopes or custom invoices) and have inFlow integrate them using mail merge. For more information on how the custom documents function works please visit the knowledge base here:

    Another new feature is that when you save a Sales Order where you've updated the Customer Information, inFlow will ask if you want to save this information to the Customer record. This lets you make changes directly in the Sales Order and have it remembered for the next order. There are also a fair number of other bugfixes and improvements to make inFlow easier to use. You can see the full list of changes below.

    This update is free for everyone. Get it now!

    New Features

    • You can now select from one of three built-in templates for your invoices and other documents: Modern, Clean, and Classic.
    • If you have Microsoft Word, you can create your own custom documents (e.g. envelopes or custom invoices) and integrate inFlow with them via Mail Merge.
    • When entering or updating customer information or product prices on a Sales Order, you'll now be asked if you want to save it back to the customer or product information.
    • You can now select Sales Reps, Payment Methods, etc. from a dropdown
    • Right-clicking a search criteria clears it, or right-clicking the "Refresh" button clears all search criteria.
    • Added the Zambian currency
    • You can now search Sales Orders by shipped date

    Feature Changes

    • The mechanism for updating inFlow has been improved. You can now update after shutting down inFlow and sign up for beta releases.
    • The Server Password will only be shown to administrator users when changing your inFlow connection
    • The printed documents in Sales Orders now select their dates more appropriately. (Box Label, Box Content List, and Packing Slip now try to use the Shipped Date, then Requested Ship Date, and then the Order Date. The Credit Note uses the Return Date.)

    Usability Changes

    • The product category will now default to the category used last time you created a new product
    • The Current Stock screen will no longer show the default location if it has zero quantity and that product is in stock in another location
    • If you do a search where only a single result comes out, it'll be automatically selected
    • The installer will now play an introduction video while installing
    • The Due Date for a purchase order will now use the Requested Ship Date if available
    • Closing inFlow by clicking the X at the top right now prompts you if you want to save changes
    • Now when entering a Sales Order, if no price is set on the current pricing scheme, it will revert to the Default Pricing Scheme instead of zero
    • If a location is set for an Order, then the item dropdown tooltip will show the local quantity at the top
    • Clicking on a label of a search criteria now also drops down its options
    • The list of customer addresses now sorts the additional addresses alphabetically
    • Streamlined the way Reorder Stock works
    • inFlow no longer requires the item names and barcodes to be different
    • To conserve space, now only page 1 of a printed invoice will show the customer address, etc.

    Bug Fixes

    • The dashboard will no longer show information that the user doesn't have access to
    • Fixed a bug where inFlow might crash if saving a Sales Order or Purchase Order with hundreds of lines
    • Fixed a bug in Stock Reordering Report where products without a Last Vendor wouldn't show up
    • Fixed a problem where you couldn't use the Product Selection dropdown to view products if you had read-only access to the product list.
    • Fixed a bug where the Sales Order Summary report would take too long and time out
    • Fixed an error with the Product Cost report for items with 0 quantity
    • Fixed a bug where the product listing would not remember its sorting order
    • Fixed a bug where the Last Vendor would not show up in the Product Listing
    • Fixed a bug with the precision of the Cost and Total Average Cost fields
    • Fixed a bug where the certain items might be incorrectly capitalized
    • Split Order by Picked will now retain the Location set for the order in both parts
    • Fixed a problem where the address dropdown would sometimes be out of place
    • Removed totals from the bottom of the Product Price List
    • Fixed the formatting of the Kenyan Shilling
    • Fixed a bug where you couldn't set the inventory to be negative from the product screen
    • Fixed a bug where category names with ampersand (&) signs wouldn't be displayed properly
    • Fixed a bug where listings wouldn't refresh if you used the back/forward buttons
    • You can no longer modify a completed work order through the right-click context menu

  • February 7th, 2010 - Version 2.0.1 released!

    This is a small bugfix release for inFlow that fixes a number of problems people ran into in the previous version. There are no major new features, but everything should work just a little bit better!

    Changes and bug fixes

    • inFlow now uses the default Windows date, time, and currency settings
    • The Shipping Address Name will now show up on printed purchase orders (particularly for dropshipping)
    • Changed the default print colour to be a little darker
    • Fixed some issues where some things were not being translated to other languages or custom text
    • You can now change the capitalization on printed documents (e.g. "Billing Address" instead of "billing address")
    • Some tweaks for speed
    • Company Email address will now show up on printed documents
    • Company's Misc Info will now show up on printed documents
    • Fixed some issues where updating or resetting the database would fail on some machines
    • Upon starting inFlow, it now shows the Startup Questionnaire
    • Fixed a problem with access rights not being respected on the Regular Edition
    • Fixed some installation/patching issues
    • The Sales Order Summary report now allows custom fields
    • Fixed a bug where sublocations with unicode characters could not be edited
    • Fixed a bug where the subtotal on Purchase Order wasn't showing properly
    • Fixed a bug with the promo code in the license purchasing page
    • Fixed a bug which pre-filled in the wrong license information when upgrading from v1 to v2
    • Fixed a bug which sometimes prevented splitting an order by picked
    • Added Lebanese and Omani currency; modified the Taiwanese currency
    • Hitting enter or using a barcode on a listing search box now triggers the search
    • Fixed a bug where the secondary tax would sometimes be inappropriately shown
    • Reorder Stock now sorts by item name

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