Looking to clean up products that are no longer stocked? Changing vendors and need to archive a whole brand? inFlow can’t can’t update more than one item at a time but here’s a little trick you can use to deactivate many items at once.
First, you’ll need to select which items you want deactivate and export them to Excel.
To Export a selection of data:
- Go into the Main Menu > Inventory > Product List to pull up a list of all your products
- Use the Search Filters in the top right corner to Narrow down your List to the Products you want to deactivate
- Right-click on the header of the table.
- Choose Export contents to CSV
To Deactivate the section of data:
Now that you’ve exported the products you’d like to deactivate to a CSV file, you’ll need to make some changes to it in Excel so that you can update your products en masse.
- Open up the .csv file you created above.
- Choose the first Blank Column on the right hand side and type in “IsActive” as the column header.
- For each product you want to deactivate, add “FALSE” to the ‘IsActive’ column.

4. Click File > Save As and select file type “CSV – Comma Delimited” at the bottom of the window to save your import file.
Import your new file into inFlow!
- Click Main Menu > General > Import Data.
- Select Product Details as the data type from the drop down menu
- Click the Browse button and choose the file you created above and click Next
- In the next screen, match the inFlow field name on the left to the correct column header in your import file by choosing it from the drop down list (see screenshot below).
- Be sure to match up the IsActive inFlow field to your newly made column in your CSV file.

inFlow will update your products using the data from your csv file. Once the import is complete, a window will pop up showing that it was successful.

That’s it! Now that these products are deactivated they won’t appear in searches in inFlow. If you need to find them again for any reason, follow the steps here.