I’m getting an error, “Oops we ran into a problem…”

Note: We will sunset inFlow v2 on July 31, 2024. This means inFlow v2 will no longer be offered for download and we will no longer be hosting its Knowledge Base and support articles.

If you’re seeing an error like “Oops we ran into a problem…” while installing, please follow these instructions here to clean up and do a fresh install of inFlow.

However, if you see this error while uninstalling then please attempt the following:

1. Go to your c:Documents and SettingsAll Users (or on a Vista or Win 7, or Windows 8 computer, just the c: drive)

2. In this folder look for Application Data (or on a Vista or Win 7, Windows 8 computer Program Data). If you do not see the folder listed above you will first need to “show hidden files and folders” by:

On XP, Vista, or Windows 7:

a) Please go to START > Control Panel and choose to view by icons (top right hand corner of window) you should then be able to select Folder Options

b) Click the “view” tab and then choose to “show hidden files and folders”

c) Click okay and you should now be able to proceed with the Application DataPackage Cache folders.

On Windows 8:

a) From your homescreen, go to the Windows Explorer app
b) Click the “View” tab, you should see different options below
c) Please check the item labelled “File name extensions” and “Hidden items”

Once you’ve found the Application Data (or Program Data) folder please double click and proceed to the Package Cache folder.

3. Once you’re in the Package Cache folder you’ll want to look into each of the sub-folders in here (unfortunately the folder names will be different on each computer so you’ll have to look through them all) for the following file: “inFlowSetup_x64.msi” or “inFlowSetup_x86.msi” (depending on your computer).

4. Once located right click and choose “Uninstall”. Please note: you may get an error stating that, “This action is only valid for products that are installed.” That’s not a problem, simply click okay and proceed.

You should now be able to proceed with your uninstallation from the control panel.

Yun Ling
Archon Systems
260 Carlaw Ave #397
Toronto, ON, M4M 3L1
May 23, 2018