A few users have trouble printing Invoices and Reports. If you’re having trouble finding a report please have a look at this article on reporting. If inFlow otherwise functions fine, and you only have problems with printing order documents or with the reports, here is something to try:
1. Try delete the company logo in Settings (top toolbar) –> Company Settings. Now generate a report to see if it works. If it doesn’t, then continue to the next step – it’s most likely a problem with the installation of Crystal Reports – a component that we use for printed documents & reports.
2. Ensure that you’ve verified the printer settings on your default printer. This will be the printer that inFlow uses to print and in order for it to re-adjust to your paper size, the default printer must have the correct settings. On your computer go to START > Control Panel > Printers and check to see which printer is selected as the default. If the correct printer is selected, right click and choose properties from the dropdown list to examine its settings. If you have to correct anything here be sure to restart inFlow before you try again.
3. If that wasn’t successful:
a) Uninstall Crystal Reports Basic Runtime for Visual Studio from your control panel (START > Control Panel > Uninstall a Program/Programs and Features).
b) Download the Crystal Reports installer file:
For 32-bit: http://www.archonsystems.com/Download/CRRedist2008_x32.msi
For 64-bit: http://www.archonsystems.com/Download/CRRedist2008_x64.msi.
(If you’re not sure which version of windows you have check your c drive, if you have more than one program files folder you’re on a 64-bit and should download the second file, otherwise download and install the 32-bit).
c) Restart inFlow and try again.
4. If you’re still having problems:
a) Try uninstalling Crystal Reports again from the Control Panel.
b) Go to Windows Start Menu –> Run –> type in “regedit” to open up the editor for your
Windows Registry
c) Open up the folder My Computer –> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE –> SOFTWARE –> Classes
d) Right click on that Classes folder and choose Permissions … to open up the Permission dialog.
e) Select all users one by one and choose Allow Full Control, then OK button.
f) Reinstall Crystal Reports as before.
g) Restart inFlow and try again.
5. Finally, if you’re having problems and none of the suggestions above have worked it may be that your reporting files (program files that control how reports are pulled) have gotten corrupted.
Once you’re ready to proceed:
a) Use Main Menu > General > Backup Data to make a backup of your database (save it externally or to your desktop)
b) Uninstall and reinstall inFlow.
c) Use Main Menu > General > Restore Data to load the backup file and then try your report again.
If you’re not using a C drive, please see the following:
You will probably have problem printing the documents or reports, because the reporting engine that inFlow uses have registry values that point to the C drive.
To resolve this:
1. Go to Windows Start Menu –> Run –> type in “regedit” to open up the editor for your Windows Registry
2. In the Registry Editor browse to the following subkey:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARECrystal Decisions10.2Report Application ServerInprocServerLocalConnectionMgr
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREBusiness objects10.5Report Application ServerInprocServerLocalConnectionMgr
3. Double click on the ‘ConnectionDirectoryPath’ string value on the right.
4. In the ‘Value data’ text box, change ‘c:’ to the drive letter where inFlow is installed (i.e. and also where the following directory exists):
Program FilesCommon FilesCrystal Decisions2.5bin
Click ‘OK’.
5. Right click on the ‘LocalConnectionMgr’ subkey, click ‘New’ and then click ‘String Value’.
6. Name this String Value ‘ReportDirectoryPath’.
7. Double click on the ‘ReportDirectoryPath’ string value.
8. In the ‘Value data’ text box, type the same drive letter as you typed in step 4.
9. Restart inFlow and try again.