Is there a report in inFlow On-Premise that shows detailed payment history?

Please note: we will sunset inFlow On-Premise on July 31, 2024. After sunset we will stop selling or activating new licenses for inFlow On-Premise and stop providing support (including online KB articles).

In inFlow On-Premise the Customer Payment Details report (and Vendor Payment Details report) can show you a list of payments grouped by payment method. This report will easily give you a breakdown of how much you’ve received in payments on a particular day, for example.

To access this report, go to the Main Menu > Reports > All Reports. For customers, look under the Sales Reports section and for vendors it’s under Purchasing Reports.


inFlow Inventory
Archon Systems
260 Carlaw Ave #397
Toronto, ON, M4M 3L1
May 10, 2018

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