If you’re trying to import your data and clicking the “Import” button does nothing, please try the following:
1. Open your local services window following the instructions below based on your operating system:
WINDOWS XP: Click Start > Run> and then type in ‘services.msc’
WINDOWS 7/ VISTA/ 8/ 10: Click Start (or hit your Windows key on your keyboard), type in ‘services’ (or Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools > Services)
2. Scroll down this screen until you see a service named “Distributed Transaction Coordinator”.
3. Right-click this and select “Start”.
4. If the “Start”/ “Restart” options are unavailable to you, it could be the service was disabled entirely. Right-click and select “Properties”, then set its startup type to “Automatic”. You should be able to start the service now.