Sales quotes are just like sales orders, however they don’t count against your inventory (i.e. they don’t deduct your available stock), so this is often a good way to make placeholder orders for your customers.
To create a sales quote:
- Go to Main Menu > Sales > Sales Quote
- Fill in the Customer info and any appropriate details.
- Select/scan the items that you are quoting this customer.
- Click the “Save” button when you are done.
Once you’re ready to create a sale from this quote, simply click the Convert to Order button at the bottom and you’re done!
Converting a quote to an order will remove the original quote entirely. If you want to keep a copy of the quote, click the Copy button at the top, then click Copy Sales Quote. Convert the copied quote into an order and your original quote will remain.
Need to convert it back to a sales quote? No problem! Just click the Version button at the top of the converted order. Click the Revert button next to version 1 and the order will be reverted back to the very first saved version (which was a quote).