In multi-user mode, one computer acts as a server (where all the data is stored) and other computers (clients) connect to it to view and edit the database there.
Typically, the error “inFlow was unable to connect to the server” occurs when a client computer has trouble communicating with the server.
If you’re having trouble connecting computers to the same database, there are a few things to check:
- Check that all computers are running the same version of inFlow
- Check your firewall and antivirus settings even if they haven’t caused an issue before
- Try a different way of connecting
- Check that network sharing is on, or that you’re on the same network
- Other advanced things to try
1. Check that all computers are running the same version of inFlow
If the server and client are not on the same version of inFlow, it will fail to connect. Please see this article for more information on what to do if you’re running different versions.
How to check that both computers are using the same version of inFlow:
- On the server computer go to the Main Menu > Options > About inFlow. You’ll see the version number in the resulting pop up:

- On the client computer, in your Windows Start Menu, search for and click Control Panel > Programs and Features and look for inFlow On-Premise in your list of programs. If “Version” is not a column listed, right-click on the header to include it:

2. Check the firewall and antivirus settings or disable them temporarily
Even if you don’t suspect it to be the cause, make sure that inFlow is added as an exception to your antivirus program and allowed through Windows Firewall on both the server AND client computer(s). These programs can block clients from communicating with the server computer.
Consider re-adding inFlow as an exception to your antivirus and firewall programs in case their settings have changed.
Adding inFlow as an exception to your antivirus program:
- Try temporarily disabling any antivirus or firewall programs on both the SERVER and CLIENT computers.
- If disabling the antivirus worked, you can add an exception for our program by following the instructions in this article.
Allowing inFlow through Windows Firewall
- In your Windows Start menu (or hit your Windows key), search and open “Allow an app through Windows firewall”.
- In the resulting screen (see screenshot below), click Change settings, then Allow another app…
- Add the following files to your Windows firewall (they can be found in:
C:\Program Files\inFlow Inventory\
)- On the server computer, you will need to add:
- inFlow.exe
- inFlowService.exe
- inFlowUtilities.exe
- On the client computer, you will need to add:
- inFlow.exe
- On the server computer, you will need to add:
- Make sure that everything that includes “inFlow” in its name has all checkmarks filled, then click OK to save your changes.

Once you’ve checked that inFlow is an allowed program and added as an exception to your firewall and antivirus programs, try connecting to you server once more – if unsuccessful, move on to the next step!
3. Try a different method of connecting
- Verify that the inFlow SERVER Computer Name is correct when entering it on your CLIENT computer. The easiest way to get this information is to log into inFlow from the server computer and select Main Menu > Options > Connection Settings. The program should show you the (server) computer name as well as the IP address. Please double check the server name.

- Try typing in the server IP address instead of the server name when entering it on your CLIENT computer (as described in the previous step you can get your IP address via inFlow SERVER computer, see screenshot above).
- If you recently updated to version 3.6 the port number may be incorrect for your client computers. Please try to reconnect with the port :5700 attached to the end of the ip address. (for example:
- Click Start (or hit your Windows key) and type in “services” to bring up the local services window. Scroll until you see something that says “Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service”. Check that the startup type is set to “Manual”, and that it is running. If it isn’t, you can right-click to start it, and also right-click > Properties > set Startup Type to “Manual”.
4. Check that network sharing is on, or that you’re on the same network
Navigate to the “Network and Sharing Center” screen depending on your operating system:
- Go to START > Control Panel and open the Network and Sharing Center.
- In this screen, the network name listed here must be the same for all computers you’re trying to connect together. The network is the middle icon connecting your computer to the internet (e.g “Network 3” or “WirelessNetwork1”). If it’s not the same, inFlow won’t be able to connect, so you’ll need to change it and reconnect to the same network.
- Ensure that your network sharing is on on both the SERVER and CLIENT computers. In the Network and Sharing Center click the “Change advanced sharing settings” option and ensure that network discovery as well as file and printer sharing are both on.
- Windows blocks connections, including inFlow’s, when you’re on a public network which may be untrustworthy. If this screen is saying your network type is “Public Network”, click on the listed “Public Network” and then change it to “Home” or “Work”.
WINDOWS 8 / 8.1:
- Hit the Windows key on your keyboard and type in “Control Panel” anywhere on the screen. Click on it, then go to “Network and Sharing Center”.
- In this screen, the network name listed here must be the same for all computers you’re trying to connect together. The network is the middle icon connecting your computer to the internet (e.g “Network 3” or “WirelessNetwork1”). If it’s not the same, inFlow won’t be able to connect, so you’ll need to change it and reconnect to the same network.
- Ensure that your network sharing is on on both the SERVER and CLIENT computers. Press Windows Key + C to bring up the Charms Bar on the right hand side of your screen. Click the Settings icon and then click your network icon (it should appear at the bottom of the bar now). Once in the “Network” section right-click your network and choose, “Turn Network Sharing On or Off.” You will want to choose, “Yes, turn on sharing and connect to devices.“
- Windows blocks connections, including inFlow’s, when you’re on a public networks which may be untrustworthy. If this screen is saying your network type is “Public Network”, press your Windows Key + C to bring up the Charms Bar on the right hand side of your screen. Click the Settings icon and then click your network icon (it should appear at the bottom of the bar now). Once in the “Network” section right-click your network and choose, “Turn Network Sharing On or Off.” You will want to choose, “Yes, turn on sharing and connect to devices.“
- Hit the Windows key on your keyboard and type in “Control Panel” anywhere on the screen. Click on it, then go to “Network and Sharing Center”.
- In this screen, the network name listed here must be the same for all computers you’re trying to connect together. The network is the middle icon connecting your computer to the internet (e.g “Network 3” or “WirelessNetwork1”). If it’s not the same, inFlow won’t be able to connect, so you’ll need to change it and reconnect to the same network.
- Ensure that your network sharing is on on both the SERVER and CLIENT computers. This can be done by clicking Start > Settings > Network and Internet > and then click on your network. Click “Advanced Options” at the bottom if you’re using Wi-Fi. Turn on the option to “Make this PC discoverable”.
- Windows blocks connections, including inFlow’s, when you’re on a public networks which may be untrustworthy. If this screen is saying your network type is “Public Network”, click Start > Settings > Network and Internet > and then click on your network. Click “Advanced Options” at the bottom if you’re using Wi-Fi. Turn on the option to “Make this PC discoverable”.
5. Other advanced things to try
Can you see the SERVER computer on the network? Test if you can reach the SERVER computer from the CLIENT computer by pinging it.
- Open a command prompt:
WINDOWS 7 / 10: Click Start> type “cmd” > right click on cmd.exe > select Run as administrator.
WINDOWS 8/ 8.1: Press the Windows Key + R, hit A, and then say Yes to the User Account Control prompting your for permission.
- Type ping <ip address> or ping <server name> (swapping those placeholders for your actual server name and IP address).

- If it can’t even resolve it based on the hostname or IP address, then you have a problem with your network setup (i.e. you get an error message “Ping request could not find host . Please check the name and try again.”).
- If you get the error message “Request timed out.” then it may still be possible that inFlow can connect.
- If you get a response that says “Reply from…” then your network is working, and the connection is probably blocked due to an antivirus on either computer.