Lost your password for inFlow On-Premise? We can help if you get in touch! But first, we need to know what type of password we’re helping you with. Please see below to determine which type of password you need help with:
Note: We require admin confirmation to discuss or assist with account level changes (e.g., passwords, billing, team members etc). Be sure to have access to an admin email if you are contacting us for assistance with your inFlow account.
User Passwords
If the screenshot below matches what you’re seeing, then you need help with a user password. inFlow passwords are locally managed (meaning we don’t have access to them directly; they’re saved in your local data).

inFlow On-Premise Web Account Email and passwords
If the screenshot below matches what you’re seeing, then you need help with a web account password. If you’ve recently reinstalled, you’ll be in the Free edition of inFlow until you log back in. You will need to log in to your account so your licenses can be applied.

If you know your web account email but have forgotten the password, you can click on “Forgot Password” link on the screen or re-set it here. You will need to be able to access the web account email inbox, as further instructions will be sent there.
Note that the login to your web account steps only need to be done on your main/server computer (or standalone). Client computers automatically show the license information once connected to a main/server computer that is already logged in.