Downloading orders from eBay into inFlow On-Premise

Please note: we will sunset inFlow On-Premise on July 31, 2024. After sunset we will stop selling or activating new licenses for inFlow On-Premise and stop providing support (including online KB articles).

If you’re selling on eBay you may want to import your transactions into inFlow in order to save you time and effort when it comes to your sales. The first step is to get your transactions from your eCommerce site and in the case of eBay, they have documentation which can allow you to:

These files will be what you will use to import your sales into inFlow and process them (and should save you time)!

Importing the file to inFlow

Once you have a file from eBay you can import it into inFlow in the following manner:

  1. Go to Main Menu > General > Import Data.
  2. Choose Sales Orders as your data type.
  3. Click Browse and select the file that you’d like to import (the one you made in step one).
  4. Click Next.
  5. Choose whether you want the orders to be created as open or closed.
  6. Match the columns within your eBay file to the columns in inFlow. We suggest the following matches:
inFlow FieldeBay Field
Customer Information
CustomerUser Id
Contact NameBuyer Fullname
PhoneBuyer Phone Number
EmailBuyer Email
Addresses (Billing Address)
Address Line 1Buyer Address 1
Address Line 2Buyer Address 2
CityBuyer City
State/ProvinceBuyer State
CountryBuyer Country
Zip/Postal CodeBuyer Zip
Order Info
Order DateSale Date
Order NumberPayPal Transaction ID
Order RemarksFeedback left
FreightShipping and Handling
Invoiced DateCheckout Date
Date PaidPaid on Date
Amount PaidTotal Price
Requested Ship DateShipped on Date
Item Info
Item Name/CodeItem Number
Item Subtotalsubtotal
Item QuantityQuantity
Unit PriceSale Price
Custom Fields
Custom 1Sales Record Number
Custom 2Transaction ID
Custom 3Custom Label

Some additional fields of note:

US Tax will not match to any fields in this import. You would set up your taxes ahead of time by following this article and inFlow should calculate the correct tax based on your rates.

Insurance. If this is present it would have to be added as a separate item on the order with a unit price after the fact so that it will be included in your order total.

Cash on delivery fee. If this is present it would have to be added as a separate item on the order with a unit price after the fact so that it will be included in your order total.

inFlow Inventory
Archon Systems
260 Carlaw Ave #397
Toronto, ON, M4M 3L1
June 12, 2018

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  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.