Tips for Retailers: point of sale solutions

Please note: we will sunset inFlow On-Premise on July 31, 2024. After sunset we will stop selling or activating new licenses for inFlow On-Premise and stop providing support (including online KB articles).

Using inFlow On-Premise to manage your retail location? Need some pointers using it as a point-of-sale (POS) system? Look no further! Welcome to your quick and easy guide to streamlining sales in inFlow.


One of inFlow’s many strengths is that it can track your customer history and provide reports or further information for you. But for a retailer who may see their customers once a month (or only once) it requires unnecessary time and effort to add a new Customer in the sales order when you need to process the sale quickly. inFlow auto-selects your customer if you only have 1 customer record, so if you create one named “Retail Customer”, each time you open a new sales order you can just go straight to scanning/selecting the items to be sold.


Your customers will most likely not have exact change on them when they come to your store, so you will need to know what change to return to them. While you may be able to do the calculation in your head, inFlow can do the work for you. Rather than simply clicking the “Mark Paid” button at the end of the order, enter the amount that your customer has given you into the Paid field. This will show you the balance of the sale and allow you to pull the correct amount of change from your cash drawer. When done, click the “Save” button at the bottom of the order, then the “Refund” button to mark that the change has been given.


One of the features which can be the most useful in streamlining sales is the barcode scanner. inFlow is set up to recognize barcodes when an item is scanned in the sales order, once the barcodes have been saved in your product record. Even better, the program also recognizes when a barcode has been scanned multiple times and simply updates the quantity of the item that was previously scanned in order to keep your sales slip easy to read. For more on how to set up barcodes in your system please see here.


One very handy feature of inFlow is the ability to create custom documents. Specifically you can tailor your sales receipt to your own needs. Many retail locations use thermal printers to print receipts and these receipts are usually very narrow, making printing of conventional receipts inconvenient. Using inFlow’s custom document features, you can now set up a template for your printer to ensure that you can continue to use the equipment you have with inFlow. We’ve even created a template as an example of what you can do! To use the template with inFlow please follow these instructions.


When closing up at the end of the day most retail locations like to see how the day’s sales went. inFlow has built-in
reporting features which will allow you to pull reports on the day’s sales as well as check on profit levels or inventory. The Sales Order Summary Report is a quick and easy way to check your sales for the day. Simply choose the report from the list of available reports and tell inFlow that your Order Date is “Today”.

inFlow will provide a summary of the orders for that day, their subtotals, taxes and total sales amounts. In addition, you can also try the Customer Payment Details report to track how much cash vs. credit sales (different payment methods) you have done.

inFlow Inventory
Archon Systems
260 Carlaw Ave #397
Toronto, ON, M4M 3L1
July 13, 2017

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