What reports are included in inFlow On-Premise?

Please note: we will sunset inFlow On-Premise on July 31, 2024. After sunset we will stop selling or activating new licenses for inFlow On-Premise and stop providing support (including online KB articles).

To see a list of reports, click All Reports from the Reports section in the inFlow On-Premise Main Menu. If you don’t have inFlow installed yet, here’s a quick summary of each report in inFlow and the edition it’s included in.

Please keep in mind that when mixing and matching licenses, your access to reports is determined by the license you’re presently using, not the highest edition you have purchased. For example, if you own both Premium and Regular licenses, but you are currently logged in to your inFlow on the Regular edition, you will only have access to the Regular edition reports.

Reports included in inFlow
Name & DescriptionFreeRegularPremium
Sales by Product Summary
A list of products showing a summary of how much has been sold and purchased.
Sales Order Summary
Shows a summary of financial information for a number of sales orders.
Sales by Profit Report
A list of Sales Orders with the estimated profit of each.
Customer Payment Summary
A list of your customers along with their overall balance and last order date.
Customer Payments by Order
List of sales orders with payment information.
Customer Payment Details
A breakdown of all customer payments including refunds
Product Customer Report
Shows you all the customers that have ordered a product.
Customer Order History
The detailed contents of the orders that your customers have made in the past.
Customer List
Shows you your customers and their information. This report can be organized to select customers from a certain region or using various other criteria.
Sales Tax Report
Shows the total amount of Sales Tax that you have collected from customers.
Sales Order Operational Report
A list of Sales Orders with their statuses and requested ship dates.
Sales by Product Details
A report which breaks down the products and sales orders to show you how well a product has been selling.
Back Order Report
Shows you the remaining products that you need to ship out to satisfy your customers’ orders.
Sales Representative Report
Shows you the Sales Orders that each sales representative was responsible for.
Vendor List
Shows you your vendors and their information. This report can be organized to select vendors from a certain region or using various other criteria.
Vendor Product List
A list of products with their related info from Vendors.
Purchase Order Summary
Shows a summary of a number of Purchase Orders.
Purchase Order Details
Shows you the items you’ve purchased from vendors.
Purchase Order Status
Shows the Purchase Orders from vendors for different products
Vendor Payment Details
A breakdown of all vendor payments including refunds
Purchasing Tax Report
Shows the total amount of Sales Tax that you have paid to vendors..
Inventory Summary
Shows the overall total quantities and values of current inventory levels per product across locations.
Inventory Details Report
A detailed list of current inventory levels and values including the quantity per location.
Product Price List
A list of products along with their prices. If you’ve created multiple pricing schemes you can set which pricing you’d like to generate the report for.
Product Cost Report
Shows you the costs at which you purchase products and an average cost depending on your costing method.
Count Sheet Report
Will pull a list of count sheet that you have completed with various details (adjustment loss, etc).
Inventory by Location
Shows the total amount of each product in a location (adding up over sublocations)
Historical Inventory
Shows you the Inventory level and cost information as it was on a selected date.
Inventory Movement Summary
Shows the amount of stock that has moved in and out of each location over time.
Stock Reordering Report
Shows total quantities of stock available along with reordering information. This can also be adjusted to show you only stock that needs to be reordered (low stock).
Inventory Movement Details
Shows a full log of how the inventory has been moved around. This report can be filtered by movement type (stock adjustment, returns, etc)
Estimated Inventory Duration
Estimates how long your current inventory stock will last based on how fast each product has been selling recently.

My Reports

You can save reports under My Reports for quick reference without having to change the filters /settings each time.

To add a report to My Reports:

  1. Open up a standard report.
  2. Click the >>More link.
  3. Click the Add to My Reports button.

To view My Reports, click My Reports at the bottom under All Reports. Move the mouse pointer over each report to preview it. These are user-specific only. Reports saved under My Reports will only be available on the user login that created them.

inFlow Inventory
Archon Systems
260 Carlaw Ave #397
Toronto, ON, M4M 3L1
May 16, 2018

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