So now that you’ve entered all your data into the system, you probably want to see some reporting figures! Here are a few common scenarios to help you understand reports in inFlow On-Premise.
End of day profit report
This is useful if you wanted to see your sales / profit totals for today. Typically this report also includes cost of goods sold.
- Go to Main Menu > Reports > All Reports.
- Click Sales Order Profit Report.
- Ensure that you have set the filters to show only orders that have the Payment Status, “Paid” and the date is today’s date.
- Click Generate Report.
- Click Print, or click Save As to export the report to Excel / PDF.
End of day cash report
This one’s useful for retailers who need to check the cash float at the end of the day.
- Go to Main Menu > Reports > All Reports.
- Click Customer Payment Details report.
- Ensure that you have set the filters to show only orders that have the Payment Date “Today” and Payment Method “Cash”.
- Click Generate Report.
- Click Print, or click Save As to export the report to Excel / PDF.
Inventory summary report
This includes information on the current stock, such as current quantity and total cost value of what you have in your warehouse.
- Go to Main Menu > Reports > All Reports.
- Choose the Inventory Summary Report.
- We suggest clicking the >>More link and choosing how you’d like to sort your items.
- Click Generate Report.
- Click Print, or click Save As to export the report to Excel / PDF.
Outstanding orders report
This report gets you information on what orders need to be shipped out and their requested ship dates.
- Go to Main Menu > Reports > All Reports.
- Choose the Sales Order Operational Report.
- Ensure that you’ve filtered to show only orders that are in Inventory Status “Unfulfilled” and “Started”.
- Click Generate Report.
- Click Print, or click Save As to export the report to Excel / PDF.