The easiest way to track your items out for repair is to create a new inventory location and use the Transfer Stock feature to move items to this location while they’re being repaired.
This method doesn’t remove the item from your inventory and it will still count towards your quantity on hand while it’s out for repair. Keep this in mind when doing a stock count!
To create a new location for your items out for repair:
- Open the Settings window (either through the shortcut from the homepage, or Main Menu > Options > Settings)
- Scroll down until you see the Manage Inventory Locations button
- In this window, add a new location to the list that you’ll use as your “repair” location
- Click Save & Close
When your item goes out for repair, you can transfer the item from its current location to the “repair” location using the Transfer Stock feature:
- Go to Main Menu > Inventory > Transfer Stock
- Select the item that’s out for repair in the Item column
- Add the “repair” location in the To Location column
- Click Send Transfer
- Click Receive Transfer to complete the transfer of the item to the new “repair” location
When your item is returned to you, use the Transfer Stock feature to move your item from the “repair” location back to its location in your inventory.