To print a document you will need to:
- Open the order you’d like to print.
- Click the Preview button and choose the document you’d like to preview.
- You will see an example of the document which has been created from the order you’ve opened (in this care an invoice).
- Click the print button along the top of the preview window.

To print directly from the sales order window simply:
- Open the order you’d like to send.
- Click the Preview button and choose Print from the list.
- You will see Print is now visible in the toolbar.
- Click the now visible Print button and choose your document from the available list (in this example invoice).

Going forward the print button will remain available for you to use until you switch it again (to Preview or Export).
There are many documents you can print, here’s a quick list of where to look:
- From Sales Orders: Sales Orders, Pick Lists , Invoices, Receipts, (when shipping is activated) Box Content Lists, Packing Slips.
- From Purchase Orders: Purchase Orders, Receiving Notes, Purchase Invoices.