You can create a user ID for each person who will be logging into inFlow, and set their access rights appropriately. Please be aware that while you can add users in the Regular Edition, restricting access rights is only available in the Premium Edition of inFlow.

To add a user:
- Go to Main Menu > Settings > General Settings.
- Click the Users Icon.
- Click the Add button to create a new user
- Enter their name and choose which options you’d like to restrict by un-checking the various modules.
- Click to Save & Close, then again in the General Settings Window.
To adjust restrictions on a user:
- Go to Main Menu > Settings > General Settings.
- Click the Users Icon.
- Double-click the user you want to edit.
- Choose which options you’d like to restrict by un-checking the various modules.
- Click to Save & Close, then again in the General Settings Window.