How do I apply partial payments or multiple payments to a sale?

Note: We will sunset inFlow v2 on July 31, 2024. This means inFlow v2 will no longer be offered for download and we will no longer be hosting its Knowledge Base and support articles.

So your customer needs to pay part of their order (let’s say a deposit)? Or maybe they are paying off a few orders at once. inFlow can calculate the balance of an order or a payment for you if you follow the steps below.

To apply a partial payment:

  1. Open your order and click the “Paid” label at the bottom
  2. In the resulting window enter the payment method, amount and any other details you’d like to record.
  3. Click Okay.

You can also enter the cumulative amount in the “Paid” field and inFlow will calculate the difference since your last payment and record it in Payment Details window for you.

Applying a lump sum to a customer account (paying several invoices)

Batch payment is available in inFlow v3. Not sure which version you’re on? Check by going to the Main Menu > Settings > About inFlow.

If you’re on v3 please see this article for help with the new batch payment feature.

If you’re not on v3 and would like to perform batch payments, we have a workaround you can use, outlined below:

In this workaround for batch payments, the amount is not applied all at once, but it can certainly help you apply the value to your customer’s multiple open orders:

  1. Go to your sales order list, filter to show only orders from the customer you’re applying payment to and to only show orders which are not paid.
  2. Sort the list by date, with the oldest invoices at the top of the list.
  3. Begin with the oldest open invoice and enter the amount provided by your customer in the Paid field, then hit tab
  4. inFlow will provide the balance of that amount below, please take note of it.
  5. Click “complete and pay” (or “Paid in Full” if in advanced) to complete the order, save it and move on to the next in the list.
  6. Enter the balance of the first order’s payment, in the Paid field of the second order and hit tab.
  7. inFlow will provide the balance of that amount below, please take note of it and continue this process until there is no more payment available to be applied to your orders.

This same process can be followed for purchase orders that need to be partially paid or have larger payments applied to them.

Yun Ling
Archon Systems
260 Carlaw Ave #397
Toronto, ON, M4M 3L1
September 5, 2012