Single-User Mode
Here’s how we recommend you go about it if you’re just using inFlow on one computer. Use the Backup and Restore features to Save and Load multiple databases, each one corresponding to a separate company:
To set up Company 1:
- Enter your information into the brand new database (company info, products, vendors, customers etc.) Once your setup is done…
- Go to Main Menu > General > Backup Data
- Save this Database with the name of the company in a safe location on your computer (take note of where).
- Click Main Menu > General > Reset All Data to create a new database.
Setting up Company 2:
- Enter your information for your second company into the brand new database (company info, products, vendors, customers etc.). Once your setup is done…
- Go to Main Menu > General > Backup Data
- Save this Database with the name of the company in a safe location on your computer (take note of where).
To return to your Company 1 information:
- Go to Main Menu > General > Restore Data
- Select the “Company1.ifi” file you created earler.
When you’re done you’ll want to remember to backup as you did above. Once again you want to pay special attention to where this database is saved and its name.
Essentially what this process does is make sure that InFlow is looking in the right place for the data it needs to use. For example, if Company 1 is attempting to sell a bicycle to your customer, it wouldn’t make sense to access Company 2’s records in order to do so. You will need to be sure that you are accessing the correct database each time you enter the program. Backing up your data is also important as you will likely be switching back and forth quite often.
Multi-User Mode
If you’re using inFlow in multi-user mode and have multiple computers, the above approach isn’t ideal since backup & restore affects all users. A better solution in this case is to set up multiple computers as inFlow servers; one for each company.
To set up Company 1:
- Install inFlow on the computer.
- Go to Main Menu > Settings > Multi-user Mode
- Click the “Server” button to set this computer up as a server
- When it’s done the program will give you the connection info you’ll need to hook up your other computers. You can click the save this file for use on other computers and please save it using the name for Company 1
To set up Company 2:
- As above, and please save the connection settings file as Company 2.
To have your clients connect to the system:
- Each of the client computers must set up multi-user mode (as a client)
- Copy the connection settings files you’ve created to the desktops of each of your client computers.
- From the client computer select the correct connection file from their desktop and double click it.
inFlow should load with the connection to the appropriate database made.