How do I import Sales Orders into inFlow?

Note: We will sunset inFlow v2 on July 31, 2024. This means inFlow v2 will no longer be offered for download and we will no longer be hosting its Knowledge Base and support articles.

First of all you will need to create an import file for your sales and if you’re not importing from a platform which does that for you the easiest way is to export the data you’re looking to import (in this case Sales Orders) from inFlow to use as a template:

  1. Go to Main Menu > General > Export Data and choose “Sales Orders” as your data type.
  2. Click “Next.”

Tada! Now you have a template you can use to create your import file! Simple fill in your order information, but there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Customer information MUST be included in the file and should appear on each line
  • Any order information which appears should be on each line as well or inFlow will believe that this line is part of a new order
  • Each product on the order should have its own line

You can get an example of an exported sales order file here.

And now it’s time for How to import a data into inFlow.

Yun Ling
Archon Systems
260 Carlaw Ave #397
Toronto, ON, M4M 3L1
April 10, 2012