First of all you will need to create an import file for your sales and if you’re not importing from a platform which does that for you the easiest way is to export the data you’re looking to import (in this case Sales Orders) from inFlow to use as a template:
- Go to Main Menu > General > Export Data and choose “Sales Orders” as your data type.
- Click “Next.”
Tada! Now you have a template you can use to create your import file! Simple fill in your order information, but there are a few things to keep in mind:
- Customer information MUST be included in the file and should appear on each line
- Any order information which appears should be on each line as well or inFlow will believe that this line is part of a new order
- Each product on the order should have its own line
You can get an example of an exported sales order file here.
And now it’s time for How to import a data into inFlow.