Deleting your document
On occasion it becomes necessary to remove documents you have already imported into InFlow.
To delete a custom document:
- Go to Main Menu > Settings > Print Settings.
- Click the Custom Docs Icon.
- Select the document you want to delete.
- Click the Delete button.

In this example, you will see that “Bob’s Custom Invoice” is the document we wish to be removed. It has been selected above by clicking the icon and once you see the preview you can click “delete” to remove it.
Renaming your document
As with removing the template it sometimes becomes necessary to rename your documents to make them easier to identify within the program.
To rename the document:
- Go to Main Menu > Settings > Print Settings.
- Click the Custom Docs Icon.
- Select the document you want to rename.
- Change the name in the Doc Name field.
- Click Save & Close.

As you can see in the figure above, we have chosen to rename this template “Wholesale Customer Invoice”. Once you’re satisfied click “save and close” at the bottom of the window to make the change. The window will close and the existing template which was previously imported will be renamed.
Re-importing your document
InFlow allows you to quickly and easily make changes and re-import the document so you don’t have to start from scratch. In order to re-import a document you must first make your changes to that document in word. Open the file in Microsoft Word, make the necessary changes and re-save it.
Now re-import:
- Go to Main Menu > Settings > Print Settings.
- Click the Custom Docs Icon.
- Select the document you want to rename.
- Click the Re-import button and locate the document on your computer.
- Click Save & Close.
Exporting your document
InFlow allows you to quickly and easily grab a copy of a previously imported custom document for further editing.
To do so:
- Go to Main Menu > Settings > Print Settings.
- Click the Custom Docs Icon.
- Select the document you want to export.
- Click the Export button and choose where to save it.
- Click Save & Close.