The key to importing inventory into multiple locations at once is remembering that you must have a new line for each new location. Let’s imagine I have one item (456826 Ceramic Mug) and it’s housed in multiple locations. My import file would look like this:
Item Description Location Qty
456826 Ceramic Mug Main Warehouse 40
456826 Ceramic Mug Retail Location 15
456826 Ceramic Mug Overflow 10
The import itself is done the same as when you have only one location:
- Backup your Database to the desktop as described on Pg. 7
- Go to Main Menu > General > Import Data
- Choose Inventory as your type of data.
- Click Browse to locate the file you’ll be using.
- Click Next.
- Select how you’d like inFlow to use the numbers in your file; Replace, Add or Subtract from current numbers.
- Ensure that your columns are matched correctly.
- Click Next.
The system should provide you with a rundown of what has been changed.