What if a customer orders something I don’t have in stock?

Note: We will sunset inFlow v2 on July 31, 2024. This means inFlow v2 will no longer be offered for download and we will no longer be hosting its Knowledge Base and support articles.

inFlow will notify you when you’re customer is ordering that you do not have enough stock to fulfill it by placing a red exclamation mark beside each item you don’t have enough to fulfill. You can create a purchase order directly from this order.

To do so:

  1. Right click the exclamation mark and choosing Create Purchase Order
  2. Select the correct vendor
  3. Click Save.

When the items come in:

  1. Go to the purchase order and click Receive & Pay.
  2. Return to the sales order and complete it.

If you see a yellow exclamation mark it means that you do not have enough stock to fulfil all open orders but do have enough to fulfil this order if you so choose. You can also use the methods above to reorder if you see a yellow exclamation mark. If, however, you see a clock icon on the order screen that means that this item is already “on order” from your vendor and that while you don’t have enough stock, you do not need to re-order at this time.

Yun Ling
Archon Systems
260 Carlaw Ave #397
Toronto, ON, M4M 3L1
February 18, 2012