If you run into a problem when running the switch to multi-user mode wizard, then it’s still possible to switch to multi-user mode manually without running this wizard successfully. Here’s how.
1. Ensure that SQL Server is set to allow remote connections and the services are configured properly.
a) Run SQL Server Configuration Manager. On Windows XP, click Start, Run, and type sqlservermanager.msc. On Vista/Windows 7, click Start and type sqlservermanager.msc. On Windows 8, hit the Windows Key + R, type sqlservermanager.msc.
b) Open up SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration, Protocols for INFLOWSQL. Ensure that Named Pipes and TCP/IP are enabled.
c) Open up SQL Server 2005 Services. Right click SQL Server (INFLOWSQL) and select Restart.
d) Ensure that the SQL Server Browser service is listed and is Running. If not, right click it and select Start.
e) Ensure that both the SQL Server (INFLOWSQL) and SQL Server Browser services are set to start mode Automatic. If not, right click, select Properties, and under the Service tab, set Start Mode to Automatic.
2. Set your server computer firewall to allow incoming connections to SQL Server (INFLOWSQL) and SQL Server Browser from other computers.
The instructions below are for Windows Firewall. If you are using another program as a firewall, you will need to adapt these instructions.
a) On Windows XP, click Start, Settings, Control Panel, then select Windows Firewall. Click the Exceptions tab.
On Windows Vista/ Windows 7, click Start, then type and select Windows Firewall. Then click Allow a program through Windows Firewall.
On Windows 8, hit the Windows key + X, and then hit P to bring up the Control Panel. Select System and Security, and then Windows Firewall > Allow an App or Feature through Windows Firewall.
b) Run SQL Server Configuration Manager. On Windows XP, click Start, Run, and type sqlservermanager.msc. On Vista, click Start and type sqlservermanager.msc. On Windows 8, hit the Windows Key + R, type sqlservermanager.msc.
c) In SQL Server Configuration Manager, under SQL Server 2005 Services, right click SQL Server (INFLOWSQL) and select Properties. In the Service tab, look at the value under Binary Path, not including the part at the end: -sINFLOWSQL.
d) From Windows Firewall, click Add Program, Browse, and select the program you found in step 2c.
e) Repeat steps 2c and 2d, except select the service SQL Server Browser this time.
3. Set your firewall to allow outgoing connections from inFlow.
If you’re using Windows Firewall (the default firewall that comes with Windows XP SP2 and Windows Vista) or no firewall program, you shouldn’t need to do anything. If you’re using some other program as a firewall, you may need to set it to enable outgoing connections from inFlow on each computer with inFlow installed.
4. Look up the Server Password in the server computer’s registry
a) Go onto the server computer. On Windows XP, click Start, Run, and then type regedit. On Vista/Windows 7, click Start, type and select regedit. On Windows 8, hit the Windows Key + R, and then type regedit.
b) Browse to the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREinFlow Inventory
c) Look up the password in the value of SQLPwd. (Note that if you have previously changed the database password, this may be inaccurate.) Go back to inFlow, and try again with the new password.
5. Determine the Server Name
This should be the hostname of the server computer. If you don’t already know this, here’s how you can look it up:
a) Go onto the server computer and open a command prompt. On Windows XP, click Start, Run, and then type cmd. On Vista, click Start, type “command” and then select Command Prompt. On Windows XP, hit Windows Key + X, hit A, and then click Yes for permission to run command prompt.
b) In the black command prompt window that pops up, type hostname. It will then give you the name you should use for the Server Name.
6. Try using the other client computers to connect to the server computer.
Note: You don’t need to run Switch to Multi-User mode on the Server again if you’ve done all the steps above. Try going onto a client computer, loading inFlow, and connecting into the server by selecting Main Menu (round button at the top left) -> Settings -> Multi-User Mode -> Client.
Use the following information:
Server Name: The hostname of the server computer that you looked up in step 5.
Server Password: The password you looked up in step 4